Coronavirus News
Shortly, news will be added to keep you updated on what is going on, including the "news behind the news." So, stay tuned.
Unity of Disease
Plans to tract your vaccination shots
Is this a fake epidemic?
5G being installed in schools while everyone is in lock down
First, on March 16, the YouTube channel Logic Before Authority posted a video detailing a message he received from an apparent member of a local school board. This whistleblower detailed how school districts were intending to covertly install 5G equipment in schools during the lockdown, under the direction of the U.S. Department of Education. The companies being sent in were instructed to act as if they are there to disinfect the schools to stop the spread of the virus.
In case you've heard of Chloroquine, don't use it. Chloroquine causes over 60 terrible side effects, including attempts to kill oneself! "Dr" Andrew Bostom and Mike Adams - who is suppose to be on our side! Click Here for more.
Pompeo Won't Say Whether Coronavirus Is a Hoax
Right from the mouth of the CDC:
"Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities."
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