Tuesday, 6 October 2015

The Best Liver Cleanse

The Best Liver Cleanse

This liver cleanse by Markus Rothkranz is unlike other liver cleanse where you suffer through it. In this video you'll learn that the liver is much more than just a filtering organ; there are about 500 functions that it does. Learn it hear in this fact filled video.

Learn why your liver is so important and how many things it does, you'll be amazed! It is your source of energy, hormones, health, staying young, immunity, digestion and hundreds of other extremely important funtions. Here are the herbs that are great for liver cleansing and where to get them.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

What the Bible Says About Drugs

Christians and Pharmaceuticals

by William Finck

The Greek words pharmakon, pharmakos, and pharmakeia are usually rendered “sorcerer” or “sorcery” in the King James Version of the Bible. That version was translated by 1611, and ever since then most theologians have followed in its footsteps, and have kept the interpretations of the medieval Englishmen of that time, while the rest of the world has become “modern”, and has updated its language. Or have we?

Here are the definitions of those words, from Liddell & Scott’s An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford University Press, Impression of 1999, First edition 1889. I will supply English transliterations in place of all of the original Greek words:

pharmakon: “a drug, medicine, Homer etc.: the pharmaka applied outwardly were christa, egchrista, epichrista (ointments), and pasta, epipasta, kataplasta (plasters), Theocritus, Aristophanes; those taken inwardly brosima, and potima, pota, pista, Aeschylus, Euripides, etc… 2. In bad sense, an enchanted potion … so a charm, spell, enchantment … also a drug, poison … II. a remedy, cure, Hesiod …. ”
pharmakeia: “the use of drugs, potions, spells, Plato. 2. poisoning, witchcraft … Demosthenes. II. remedy, cure, Aristotle.”
pharmakos: “a poisoner, sorcerer, magician, N.T.”

Note that Liddell & Scott gave only the New Testament as a source for their definitions for this use of the word pharmakos. And why did they not give secular Greek definitions? Because they would have had to put “apothecary”, “pharmacist” and “druggist”, yet perhaps that was already not politically acceptable by 1889, and so instead they put nothing! The large and scholarly Ninth Edition of the Liddell & Scott Greek-English Lexicon does likewise, defining the word in this sense identically, and citing only the Septuagint and the N.T., even though it cites the secular Greek writer Herodianus (2nd c. A.D.) on the pronunciation of the word. This is the only time that I have seen Liddell & Scott limit their definition of a word to the manner in which Bible translators have treated it, when the word appears also in Greek writers outside of the Bible. There is another sense in which the word pharmakos is used, and that will be discussed below.

Here is a lengthy citation concerning physicians from Strabo’s Geography, Book 15:1:60: “As for the Garmanes, he says that the most honourable of them are named Hylobii and that they live in forests, subsisting on leaves and wild fruits, clothed with the bark of trees, and abstaining from wine and the delights of love; and that they communicate with the kings, who through messengers inquire about the causes of things and through the Hylobii worship and supplicate the Divinity; and that, after the Hylobii, the physicians are second in honour, and that they are, as it were, humanitarian philosophers, men who are of frugal habits but do not live out of doors, and subsist upon rice and barley-groats, which are given to them by everyone of whom they beg or who offers them hospitality; and that through sorcery they can cause people to have numerous offspring, and to have either male or female children; and that they cure diseases mostly through means of cereals, and not through means of medicaments; and that, among their medicaments, their ointments and their poultices are most esteemed, but that the rest of their remedies have much in them that is bad; and that both this class and the other practise such endurance, both in toils and in perseverance, that they stay in one posture all day long without moving; and that there are also diviners and enchanters, who are skilled both in the rites and in the customs pertaining to the deceased, and go about begging alms from village to village and from city to city; and that there are others more accomplished and refined than these, but that even these themselves do not abstain from the common talk about Hades, insofar as it is thought to be conducive to piety and holiness; and that women, as well as men, study philosophy with some of them, and that the women likewise abstain from the delights of love.”

The word for sorcery which Strabo used above is pharmakon. Note that it is used of physicians, and their medicaments, or medications. However those who practice divining and enchanting are discussed separately following the discussion of the physicians! Therefore “sorcery” describes the use of pharmaceuticals, and not the magic or divining arts. The word pharmakeia, from the above definitions and examples, means little else but drugs – whether taken internally or applied topically.

It is clear to this writer that our word pharmaceutical and all related words were derived from these Greek words, and that they bear the same meanings. Our language isn’t really “modern” after all! It may be argued that a pharmaceutical is a drug, and not a potion, and that the Bible is talking only about potions. That argument is entirely subjective. The Bible makes no such distinction, but talks of pharmakeia in general. There is absolutely no proof supporting any such distinction between drugs and potions or sorceries: the distinction did not exist at all until the foundation of the modern pharmaceutical industry and the money of the international bankers who created it!

Here are all of the Scripture references where those words appear in the New Testament, from the Christogenea New Testament:

“20 And the rest of the men, those who had not been killed by these plagues, did not even repent from the works of their hands, that they do not worship demons and idols, things of gold and things of silver and things of copper and things of stone and things of wood, things which are able neither to see nor to hear nor to walk. 21 And they did not repent from their murders nor from their drugs [pharmakon] nor from their fornication nor from thefts.” ( Revelation 9:20-21, CNT )

“23 And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you hereafter! And the voice of the bridegroom and a bride shall not be heard in you hereafter! Because your merchants were the great men of the earth! Because by your pharmaceuticals [pharmakeia] have all the nations been deceived!” (Revelation 18:23, CNT )

“8 But for the cowards and the faithless and abominable and murderers and fornicators and drug-makers [pharmakos] and idolaters and all those who lie, their fate is burning in the lake in fire and sulfur, which is the second death!” ( Revelation 21:8, CNT )

“15 Outside are dogs and druggists [pharmakos] and fornicators and murderers and idolaters and any who love and make a lie.” !” ( Revelation 22:15, CNT )

“19 Manifest are the deeds of the flesh, such things are fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, 20 idolatry, use of drugs [pharmakeia], hostilities, contention, rivalry, wrath, intrigues, dissensions, sects, 21 envyings, drunkenness, revelries, and things like these; which I have announced to you beforehand, just as I have said before, that they who practice such things shall not inherit Yahweh’s kingdom.” (Galatians 5:19-21, CNT )

For the purposes of this paper, I am only going to cite here one Old Testament reference for the use of the word pharmakeia, Isaiah 47:9 from the KJV: “But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.” How can “sorceries” be connected to the loss of children, and to widowhood? Think about birth-control pills. Think about the declining birthrates which many tie to the modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Think about the premature deaths of so many people who have substituted fast food and prescription drugs in place of sound nutrition and exercise. Do we see a problem today with wizards and sorcerers deceiving all of the nations, as we have just read in Isaiah and the Revelation? Or do we see the whole world captivated by a need for drugs? Read all of Isaiah chapter 47, and one should realize with certainty that it is much the same language as Revelation chapter 18, where pharmakeia is also condemned, and that both chapters are talking about the same thing: the condemnation of the great whore and mystery Babylon!

The Christian should look to Yahweh his God for healing, protection or deliverance from evils and enemies, and a long and healthy life. Those very things are promised to those who keep His laws, for instance the commandment at Exodus 20:12 states “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” And the law also states, as Paul quotes Lev. 18:5 at Romans 10:5: “Moses writes of the justice which is from of the law, ‘That a man who practices these things shall have life by them.’” It is no mistake, that our English-speaking forebears used the word crises to describe what evils befell a man. For the word is directly from the Greek krisis, meaning judgement.

When men circumvent the laws of their God and Creator, they are forced to seek their own remedies for the resultant evils which befall them. Hence the search for pharmakeia in order to solve our troubles. This has opened a veritable Pandora’s Box, and our society’s dependence upon pharmaceuticals grows larger and larger with each passing day. We have become so alienated from our God, and have strayed so far from His laws, that even our infant children are pumped with all sorts of unnatural substances almost as soon as they are born, and we as a people have become drug-dependent at every stage of our lives! Drugs have become our escape both from the realities of life, and from the natural punishments resulting from our deviant behavior. But that escape is only a temporary illusion. For we know not what greater damage we have brought upon ourselves as a result of our turn away from God and towards our own devices.

When man was created, he was told that every green herb was for him for food. There are thousands of natural remedies that are useful for alleviating various ailments or which act as preventatives for those ailments. Very little capital is put into the development of the knowledge of these remedies. The reasons for this are solely economic: investment bankers cannot control what grows out of the ground, and once the studies are done and the results published, the prospects for financial profit are quite dim – the people will simply grow their own product! Instead, pharmaceutical companies scour the globe looking for naturally-occurring substances, especially in the plant world, and examine what those substances may be good for. Once a discovery is made, the drug companies strive to guard the information, and then they synthesize the substance, hoping to then profit from it once they patent it. Christians, in turning away from Yahweh their God, have now put their health and their lives into the hands of the anti-Christ jews: and what good will ever come from that? None whatsoever!
Pharmaceuticals and the laws of clean and unclean foods.

WhateveChristianity and Pharmaceuticals, Part 2

A few days ago I put out an article of this title, and many people have made further inquiry, or were even upset, because they have already been captivated by the pharmaceutical industry by one means or another. Yet I shall stand by my article, even if it does not address the immediate needs of people in general, as being wholly Scriptural. However here I will attempt to put some things into perspective: for those who are currently victims of the medical/pharmaceutical complex need not do anything rash.

Paul told the Corinthians: “ A bondman, you have been called? It must not be a concern to you, but then if you have the ability to become free, rather you use it. 22 For he who is called a bondman in the Prince is a freedman of the Prince; likewise he who is called free is a bondman of Christ.” (I Corinthians 7:21-22, CNT )

In a paper I wrote several years ago, Sin and the First Epistle of John, I said this, commenting upon 1 John 3:4-12: “All men sin, as we have seen John himself state above at 1:10, as Paul also did at Rom. 3:23, and so John can’t possibly be stating that all men are of the False Accuser. The children of Israel, who are the children of Yahweh, have an Advocate in Yahshua Christ even if they do sin, as John has already told us in his epistle at 2:1-2 and 12. Yet here John uses a phrase which he did not use in chapter 2 in respect to sin.

Where earlier only the verb hamartanō is used to describe the act of sinning, here the verb poieō is used in conjunction with the noun hamartia to describe the practice, or even the creation of sin, at 3:4, 8 and 9, and so John’s intent here must be distinguished from, and understood within the context of, his earlier remarks concerning Israel and sin. It should be obvious here that John makes reference not to the occasional sinner, but to the authors of sin. John must mean not the fool who lusts and buys a pornographic video or magazine, but the pornographer himself; not the weak or sickly man who turns to drugs, but the drug manufacturer; not the desperate man who takes out a usurious loan, but the usurer himself.

All men have weaknesses which they are entrapped by at one time or another (note Paul’s warning at Gal. 6:1), yet one who is tempted by such weakness is certainly not “of the False Accuser”, and no Israelite is “of the False Accuser”! The authors or creators of sin are of the False Accuser, and history reveals who they are. The panderers are the evil ones, not those who are weak!” (Emphasis added.)

Understanding all of this in the context of Scripture, I would not advise anyone to act rashly. I would not want you to run and flush your insulin down the toilet. Of course, neither can I give medical advice. I can only present the Scriptures as they were given, in the context of the culture and history of the times. Paul is cited above as having said “A bondman, you have been called? It must not be a concern to you…”, and so you should not be distressed if you are currently held captive. Yet Paul’s admonition to those who are held captive is that “if you have the ability to become free, rather you use it.” For many ailments there are natural remedies, and one should seek those if one can, and in conjunction with a pure heart and honest prayer, seek also the mercy of our Father, that you may be freed from your captivity. And if one is not in a position to do those things, then it would be best simply to realize and admit that one is a captive, but do not trouble yourself over it, and likewise with a pure heart and honest prayer, also seek the mercy of our Father.

William Finck

Obama Admin To Allow Your Chicken To Be Full Of Feces

by SurvivalBackpack

(Monica Potts) If you buy your chicken from the supermarket, here are a few things about its life that might make you less eager to eat it. As a chick, your chicken’s beak was cut off so that it wouldn’t attack other chickens in the overcrowded cage in which it was raised.

Your chicken was fed so much grain so quickly – supplemented with antibiotics – that, by the time it was ready for slaughter at the age of five weeks, its breasts were swollen and disproportionately large, rendering it unable to walk. Once your chicken was slaughtered, it was tossed into a chlorinated bath or doused with other industrial-grade chemicals so that your chicken would reach you “clean”.

But “clean”, when it comes to meat, is a relative standard. Most chickens spend the bulk of their short lives covered or standing in feces (to say nothing of the conditions in which cows, pigs or even turkeys are raised), and the way in which they are dispatched in the modern era is so sordid that farm states are actually passing laws to keep you from ever bearing witness to the slaughter.

Old Macdonald had a farm – once – but corporations interested in maximizing profits bought him out.

The one small hope for human health has been that the US Department of Agriculture has inspectors to watch over those processing plants and make sure we don’t eat sick chickens or chickens covered in their own feces as they make their way through the processing plant. That is, it’s been the one hope until now.

The USDA is moving toward final approval of a rule that would replace most government inspectors with untrained company employees, and to allow companies to slaughter chickens at a much faster rate. (The rule is called the “Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection”, but advocates like the Center for Food Safety and Food and Water Watch are calling it the “Filthy Chicken Rule”.) It could be approved as soon as this week.

This “modernization” of inspections through privatization is likely to cause more problems than already occur because the company employees will be disinclined to cost their bosses money by slowing down, stopping production or removing chickens when there’s a problem. “It’s really letting the fox guard the chicken coop”, says Tony Corbo of Food and Water Watch.

And there are already plenty of problems. The rule comes in the midst of a years-long increase in the number of food-born illnesses, driven in part by a shortage of government inspectors.

As the International Business Times reported:

An increase in the incidence of salmonella in the U.S. could have a real impact on consumers, as the pathogen already represents a major threat to public health. Salmonella ‘is estimated to cause 1.2 million illnesses in the United States, with about 23,000 hospitalizations and 450 deaths’ each year, according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A study of more than 300 raw chicken breasts released by Consumer Reports earlier this year found that 10.8 percent harbored salmonella, while 65.2 percent tested positive for E. coli. Overall, about 97 percent of the breasts tested contained harmful bacteria, according to the study.

And salmonella isn’t even one of the diseases the USDA can currently regulate by stopping production if diseased or feces-covered birds make it into the production line.

It’s hardly better elsewhere: the Guardian just released the results of a major investigation into chicken factory farming in the UK, and found that poor hygiene and spotty adherence to the rules makes 280,000 people sick there each year.

Advocates had been working to make the American regulatory system more comprehensive, supporting bills like one introduced by Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) that would have allowed USDA inspectors to make sure that birds infected with salmonella didn’t make it into our kitchens. Instead, the Obama administration is making sure we’re getting a less powerful USDA altogether.

Of course, chicken processors are hardly the only offenders. Almost every kind of animal slaughtered in the United States is pumped full of drugs and raised in unsustainably large factory farms. It’s incredibly bad for the environment, not to mention our stomachs.

But processing companies are uniquely powerful in the poultry industry. They’ve devised a system that sucks money from farmers, making them poorer every year, and sells increasingly cheap and unhealthy meat to consumers. And, with the new rule getting rid of government inspectors, companies stand to earn even more profits. (Estimates on the new rule place savings for those companies at about $256m per year.)

It’s particularly disappointing seeing this rule from the Obama administration, which many food-safety advocates had hoped would improve the quality of the food we eat, rather than degrade it. “They’ve gone out of their way to cater to the industry on this,” Corbo says. “This is a gift to the poultry industry.”

Unfortunately, the cost of that “gift” could be human health.

Chemotherapy: The Choice Is Yours

by Jon Barron http://www.jonbarron.org

Mark Twain quoted Benjamin Disraeli, the prime minister of England, as saying: 'There are three kinds of lies in the world: lies, damn lies, and statistics.' That statement is even more true (and dangerous) when applied to medical studies. One example is the recent Oxford University study published in The Lancet which touts the effectiveness of today's conventional cancer treatments. It supports the use of chemotherapy and states that women who used tamoxifen for five years reduced the breast cancer death rate by one-third.

Very impressive, until you realize that you've just been 'statistic-ed.'

As presented, the newspaper cites studies proving the efficacy of tamoxifen that consistently read something like 'The National Cancer Institute's Breast Cancer Prevention Trial reported that there was a 49 percent decrease in the incidence of breast cancer in women who took tamoxifen for five years.'

That's stunning. If your doctor told you that using tamoxifen cut your chances of getting breast cancer by 49%, would there be any question in your mind on whether or not to use it? Not in mine - at least until I talked to Benjamin Disraeli. If you look past the statistics, the truth is that according to the study, your odds of getting breast cancer without using tamoxifen was only 1.3%, and with tamoxifen it dropped to .68%. That represents a 49% difference between the two numbers (as cited), but just a little over one-half of one-percent difference (.62%) in real terms.

And for that meager sixth-tenths of one-percent difference, we now need to consider that tamoxifen can cause cancer of the uterus, ovaries, and gastrointestinal tract. A study at Johns Hopkins found that tamoxifen promotes liver cancer, and in 1996, a division of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, declared tamoxifen a Group I carcinogen for the uterus. In another abruptly curtailed NCI study, 33 women that took tamoxifen developed endometrial cancer, 17 suffered blood clots in the lungs, 130 developed deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in major blood vessels) and many experienced confusion, depression, and memory loss. Other permanent damage includes osteoporosis, retinal damage, corneal changes, optic nerve damage, and cataracts. In short, the half percent of those who received a reduction in breast cancer by using tamoxifen traded it for an increase in other cancers and life threatening diseases. A half percent in real world terms is vastly different from the 49% 'statistic-ed' improvement cited in the studies - and hardly worth the increased risk.

Once you look behind the numbers, is it any wonder the 'war on cancer' continues to fail so miserably? The problem is that the doctors themselves believe the statistically manipulated numbers they feed to the public. And yet, the general trend is undeniable. Things are not getting better. The incidence rate of cancer has exploded from around one in five hundred in 1900 to approximately one in two today. And for every statistical blip downward in selected cancers such as breast and prostate cancer (after years of soaring incidence and mortality, mind you), there is a significant jump in "new," even more deadly cancers such as liver, pancreatic, and lymph cancers.

Chemotherapy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

For those of you who are new to the debate, let me explain some of the pros and cons of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, there is a high probability that you or someone you know will have to face the decision on how to treat cancer.

Before we get into how chemotherapy works, it's probably worth a little digression to talk about its history. The first drug used for cancer chemotherapy was not originally intended for that purpose. Mustard gas was used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I and was studied further during World War II. During a military operation in World War II, a group of people were accidentally exposed to mustard gas and were later found to have very low white blood cell counts. It was reasoned that an agent that damaged the rapidly growing white blood cells might have a similar effect on cancer. Therefore, in the 1940s, several patients with advanced lymphomas (cancers of certain white blood cells) were given the drug by vein, rather than by breathing the irritating gas. Their improvement, although temporary, was remarkable. That experience started researchers studying other substances that might have similar effects against cancer.

Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells anywhere in the body, including cells that have broken off from a main tumor and traveled through the blood or lymph systems to other parts of the body. Many doctors have successfully slowed cancer cells by using chemotherapy after a tumor has been surgically removed. How does it work? Chemotherapy drugs are cytotoxic, meaning they poison the cells in our body that multiply the most rapidly, which is how the majority of cancer cells perform. So, if your cancer cells are rapidly multiplying, you may find chemotherapy effective.

The major disadvantage to chemotherapy is that the drugs don't just kill the cancer cells that are dividing, but any dividing cell, including the multitude of healthy cells all over the body caught in the act of dividing. For those whose 'healthy' cells are multiplying faster than the cancer cells, there isn't even a theoretical chance of success. This explains why chemotherapy is effective in only 2 to 4% of cancers - primarily, Hodgkin's disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Testicular cancer, and Choriocarcinoma.

For the majority of people who have healthy cell division, you may end up killing the body before the cancer. For instance, there is a high probability that certain fast multiplying immune system cells including our T and B lymphocytes will also die, contributing to our body's inability to fight opportunistic diseases that arise as a result of the treatment. Other cells that grow fast are cells of the bone marrow that produce blood cells, cells in the stomach and intestines, and cells of the hair follicles, which is why a patient's hair usually falls out.

In either event, the drug's objective is to poison the system-creating horrendous pain and illness often worse than the disease itself. The toxins attack healthy, dividing blood cells and cause blood poisoning. The gastrointestinal system is thrown into convulsions causing nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cramps, and progressive weakness. Some drugs can slough the entire lining of the intestines. Reproductive organs are affected causing sterility. The brain loses memory. The hair falls out. Eyesight and hearing are impaired. The kidneys are damaged. Sores appear in the mouth and throat. The body bleeds and bruises easily and can't fight infections. Every conceivable function is disrupted with such agony for the patient that many of them elect to die of the cancer rather than to continue treatment. It makes you wonder how most people die when they report the rising cancer death statistics.

It's especially telling when a number of surveys over the years show that most chemotherapists would not take chemotherapy themselves or recommend it for their families. Today's chemotherapy drugs are the most toxic substances ever put deliberately into the human body. In fact, personnel who administer these drugs take great precautions to avoid exposure. The Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy, a standard reference for medical personnel, offers strict warnings for handling cytotoxic agents and sixteen OSHA safety procedures for medical personnel who work around the chemicals. In addition, increased concerns regarding mutagenesis and teratogenesis [deformed babies] continue to be investigated.

The sad part is that we accept these types of results, feeling that we have no choice in the matter. We submissively believe the medical community's statement that chemotherapy 'improves quality of life' even though most doctors find this absurd. Some doctors, such as Dr. Ulrich Abel, go so far as to state that there is no scientific evidence for chemotherapy being able to extend the lives of patients suffering from 80% of all cancers.

Bottom line, orthodox chemotherapy is toxic, immunosuppressant, and carcinogenic. As death rates keep going up, why then do the majority of doctors and oncologists still push chemotherapy?

First, effective cancer treatment is a matter of definition. The FDA defines an 'effective' drug as one that achieves a 50% or more reduction in tumor size for 28 days. In the vast majority of cases there is absolutely no correlation between shrinking tumors for 28 days and the cure of the cancer or extension of life. So, when a doctor says 'effective' to a cancer patient, it does not mean it cures cancer-only temporary shrinks a tumor. (Sound like Disraeli again?)

Secondly, most doctors just don't know what else to do. They face patients that they feel have hopeless conditions and justify the continual loss of life brought about by these drugs because it's the only alternative they know (along with surgery and radiation). They refer to this stage not as therapy, but as experimentation, which is better than telling a patient there is no hope. As for oncologists, they have devoted countless hours to the understanding of poisonous, deadly compounds and how to administer these drugs. This too is all they know. They all want to help cancer patients, but they don't have other options in their arsenal - certainly not options that come from outside the medical fraternity.

Third, and commonly seen in all major industries, as long as drug companies and the cancer industry see profits, there will be little motivation to change. It is not surprising that the cancer industry turns over in excess of $200 billion annually. Or, that the few who sought alternative cancer methods encountered armed raids, loss of licensure, professional smearing, and ostracism. One such person is Dr. Lundberg, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, who stated at a recent National Institute of Health meeting, about chemotherapy: '[It's] a marvellous opportunity for rampant deceit. So much money is there to be made that ethical principles can be overrun sometimes in a stampede to get at physicians and prescribers."

And last but not least, in a small percentage of cases, chemotherapy absolutely does help - which is not to say that other approaches wouldn't work as well, or better. But it is, in fact, this minimal success rate that fuels the continued use of the therapy. Based on these occasional successes, doctors will often pressure patients to opt for the therapy even when it has little chance of success in their particular cases.

Also, it is worth noting that the benefits of chemo vary widely from cancer to cancer - sometimes improving 'short-term' survivability by as much as 50%; but also, in many cases, by 1% or less. For example, the statistical chances of chemotherapy being helpful with lung cancer are less than 1 in 100, and yet doctors often pressure their patients into utilizing, what is in this case, a non-effective and debilitating treatment. And on top of everything else, the success rate for chemotherapy is highly age dependent. It is much more likely to be effective with the young who have strong immune systems, dropping to about 50/50 by age 50. And by 50/50, I don't mean that it's effective 50% of the time, but rather that it's a 50/50 call as to whether doing chemo or nothing at all is the better option in terms of survivability. And by age 55, you're statistically better off doing nothing rather than subjecting yourself to chemo.

Keep in mind that whatever else you can say about chemotherapy, no one can ever claim it addresses the cause of cancer. It merely attacks the symptom. No one, even the most jaded doctor in the world, claims that people get cancer because they're suffering from a chemotherapy deficiency.

Obviously, there is only so much we can do with the current state of affairs and we should not expect the industry to change any time soon. However, we do not have to sit on the sidelines when it comes to our personal health and wellness due to ignorance, money, and bureaucrats.

Solution -- Take an Active Role

I always encourage people to take an active role in their health, and this is even more important when you are dealing with a catastrophic illness such as cancer. Ask as many questions as you can and research your specific type of cancer to understand both the conventional and non-conventional success rates for specific remedies. Look for strategies that strengthen the body, not weaken it, allowing the body to heal itself. I also encourage you to read my book, Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, which gives many suggestions for those fighting cancer as well as preventative measures everyone should take to avoid cancer in the first place. (You can download a free copy at www.jonbarron.org. And while you're there, be sure to check out the newsletter archives.) And, finally, be careful what you read or what conclusion you draw from any study or statistic. Know the motive behind the study. Don't be 'statistic-ed.' In the end, we are the ones responsible for our health and our bodies. It is only prudent to look at the details.

And one final note. There is more hope than you can possibly imagine in terms of dealing with cancer. There are at least 18 different peoples on Earth today who do not suffer from cancer - many of these cannot record even one victim of the disease in their entire culture. Do genetics play a role? Quite probably. But when entire cultures are cancer free, it makes the environmental and lifestyle connections undeniable - especially when those cancer rates change once they move from their original environment. That means that for most of us, we can dramatically improve our odds when it comes to getting cancer in the first place, or curing it if we do get it simply by modifying our environmental and lifestyle circumstances."

The Chemo Fraud Exposed

The Chemo Fraud Exposed

Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

The cancer cat's out of the bag now: An FDA panel has accidentally admitted that chemo is completely and utterly ineffective.

OK, so they didn't actually come right out and put it that way -- but read between the lines here, and it's hard to reach any other conclusion.

The panel was actually asked to rule on a new device that's supposed to treat recurrent glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer that's a death sentence for most people.

The device is called the NovoTTF, and it looks like a shower cap packed with electrodes attached to a portable power pack. It goes with you everywhere... and for 18 hours a day, it sends waves of electricity right into your brain.

Sounds crazy, I know -- but it's way saner than poisoning people with radiation, and a whole lot safer, too. The NovoTTF doesn't hurt or even tingle, and it comes with zero side effects beyond an easily treatable rash on the scalp.

And it even works, a little.

In one clinical trial, patients who wore the device lived an average of 6.6 months, versus 6 months for chemo patients. NovoTTF patients were also more likely to survive a year, 23.6 percent versus 20.8 percent for chemo.

That may not seem very effective, but when you've been given a death sentence you'll take every extra day you can get.

Just don't tell that to the FDA panel -- half the members were so unimpressed they voted against the NovoTTF on effectiveness.

If you want to take that point of view, be my guest -- but what does that say about the standard mainstream treatment that had a LOWER survival rate, LOWER odds of living a year, and potentially deadly side effects?

Exactly what I've said all along: Chemo is a massive and expensive fraud, a non-treatment that sickens and kills more people than it ever "cures."

And it's utterly ineffective to boot.

Fortunately, the chair of the panel broke the 6-6 tie by voting in favor of the new device... and now final approval is in the FDA's hands.

But if you're facing a battle with cancer of any kind, don't wait for the feds to save you -- take action now and save yourself instead. 

[A 2006 NIH study proved Linus Pauling right - IV vitamin C delivers "unexpected long survival times" to terminal patients and "should be reassessed as a treatment for cancer."
<goog_1076976295>Pauling's "natural medicine" 6-12 years v. Orthodox medicine's 6 months If this were a football game, it would be easy to see who won. IV vitamin C delivers survival times that are 12 to 24 times longer. 

Did the FDA reassess IV vitamin C as a treatment for cancer in the 5 years since the study? No. They banned it in late December, 2010.]

I have everything you need to know about beating cancer -- without toxic drugs, poisonous radiation, or even brain zaps.

Read this... and I'll show you what "effective" really means.

And watch this incredible speech at the 35th Annual Cancer Convention explaining in very easy to understand terms how we have a cure for all toxins, all infections, all viruses, and one that can stop, reverse or cure all chronic diseases, and exactly how it works.

The problem? It's not patentable and threatens the whole pharmaceutical industry.

And watch this. The diseases we are facing are actually caused by the same industries that make the profit from them.

Natural practitioners have been providing full CURES for years and universities are proving that now, which is why the pharmaceutical industry banned the cure mentioned at the Cancer Convention and why NC represents were asked to criminalize practitioners who are offering cures while there are no bills to stop the CEOs of Merck and GSK who have killed thousands. 

Here, you can see a 60 Minutes program for yourself showing that IV vitamin C (for one) is a phenomenal cure. You'll also see that the medical authorities did everything they could to stop it. And now in the US, they have banned it.

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship...To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic..., and have no place in a republic...The Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for medical freedom as well as religious freedom." - Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of Declaration of Independence; member, Continental Congress; B.S. Princeton U.

Canola is the new margarine - throw it all out

Canola - The Bad Oil

by S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) Remember when margarine was the substitute for butter? Hey, I can't believe it's not butter! Wow. Margarine is a molecule away from being plastic, and we wonder why so many old folks in America have Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The plastic fat is clogging their brain veins. No oxygen to the brain means expensive 24/7 nursing care, lots of pharmaceutical medications and hundreds of thousands of dollars for sick care. Do you see where this is leading?

America loves their canola! Who would really eat it if they knew that it was made with hexane vapor -- a gasoline constituent? Even organic canola that's "expeller-pressed" comes from something we're not even supposed to eat in the first place -- rapeseed. Canola is not a plant, or at least not until some mad scientists got a hold of rapeseed and altered it. Yes, I know, this is harsh for most people to address. Their canola oil food bar will be dead to them. Forget all those salads -- the potato salad, the chicken salad, the tuna salad and the egg salad. Forget the macaroni salad and the pasta salad, all creamy with chunks of other (GMO) food stuff.

Canola is like sodium benzoate, as it chokes your cells, ruins your immunity and requires extra "processing" by your body just to filter out the toxic synthetic oil that comes from rapeseed, which Mother Nature never intended as food -- that's why it stinks. You know, when manufacturing and processing companies and corporations make canola, they ALL have to put it through a DEODORIZING PROCESS to remove the stink. Look it up!

Canola's polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) suppress thyroid function
Polyunsaturated fat is a prime source of DNA-disrupting free radicals, thyroid-killing omega-6 fatty acids and metabolism-squashing inflammation. What's worse for your health than processed white flour, refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup? Try a distorted ratio of fats, like 16 to 1, where the omega-6s and -9s outweigh the -3s. (http://butterbeliever.com) I really don't care if organic canola oil is your new margarine, but what I do care about is false advertising, misleading health information and myths that are perpetuated by companies who don't want to give up their "easy money."

High in unsaturated fats, canola oil delivers more than a nifty name that was derived from Canadian rapeseed oil. Do expeller presses remove the stink of rapeseed? Erucic acid, the fatty acid in canola, causes heart damage in rats. Are you a rat? Your DNA is 99% the same. Consider this: "Since the year 1995, biotech giant Monsanto has manufactured rapeseeds that are genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide RoundUp.

"Today, about 90% of the world's canola crop is genetically modified."

So, do you trust the GMO giants of the world to continue serving you "organic" canola? Get smart on oils and do it now. Dr. John Bergman speaks about thyroid adrenal health, oxidation, inflammation and disease reversal. Stop eating canola and all the other processed oils. Learn how to keep a healthy thyroid and adrenals. Check out coconut oil, especially if you cook food with oil, only use real, organic olive oil and keep it raw! (https://www.youtube.com)

Sources for this article include:






The Cancer Genocide

The Cancer Genocide

"We are not dealing with a scientific problem. We are dealing with a political issue."--Samuel Epstein, M.D.

CANCER INDUSTRY Psychology. Going back over 100 years numerous medical men such as Coley, Hoffer, Burzynski, Gerson, Ivy, Burton, Manner, Revici, Hamer (95% cure rate), Issels, Beres, Moerman, Pallares, Nichols, Willner, scientists/researchers such as Warburg, Rife, Koch, Reams, Naessens, Beljansky, Kelley, Krebs, Stone, Beard, Budwig, Cantwell, Livingstone, Beres, Lakhovsky, healers such as Keller, Shulze, Breuss, Kushi, Binzel, Hoxsey, Caisse, Wigmore, Vonderplanitz etc, (and age old medicine such as Urine therapy) have found answers to cancer, the combined knowledge of which would cure most, if not all, cancers, certainly combined with the knowledge the Elite keep to themselves which is 100-500+ years ahead of anything we are allowed to use (see: Suppressed/secret technology).

However, the Medical Mafia has suppressed all this non-Pharma (Allopathic) cancer knowledge (Reason 1: $400 Billion yearly turnover. 2: Genocide) as well as the causes (and prevention), the main suspects being Death Towers, Chemtrails, Junk Food, chemicals and drugs such as Pesticides, and vaccines, along with sugar, root-canals and miasms, while they have actively promoted the widespread use of cancer agents, such as fluoridation, Aspartame & MSG (see the full set here). And the deaths resulting from this enforced, mostly deadly cancer medicine, can be added to the 783,936 yearly USA Allopathic deaths. To compound that Mammography is completely ineffective and dangerous, spreads fear, and Nobel laureate, Dr. John Gofman, believed that 50% of cancer was caused by unnecessary radiation primarily related to diagnostic x-ray studies!

Meanwhile everyone thinks just toxic Allopathic medicine such as radiation, and chemotherapy is the only proven treatment for cancer (even though chemo has been well proven to be useless in most cancers and even they only claim 5 year survival of 50%-70% of Leukemia in children, while 4 out of 5 Leukemia patients still die--and surgery is their best cancer therapy!) while Homeopathy, Nutritional medicine, Herbs, Hydrotherapy, Hyperthermia, Cannabis, Diet therapy, Naturopathy, Electronic Medicine, Oxygen therapy, Laetrile, Cleansing, Enzyme therapy, Lymph therapy etc is considered quackery, as their 'Expert' like Waxman claim through the media. How's that for a perfect example of mass mind control, and Communism? With just one disease and one type of drug. Vying with vaccination as the most lucrative and nastiest racket of The Medical Mafia.

Some quotes

"Every discoverer of a cancer remedy has encountered a Chinese wall of resistance," which has been the same in every page of recorded cancer history, and that the myth that the discoverer of a cancer cure would be "honored, acclaimed, and practically deified as a saviour of the human race," should be changed to "dishonored, denounced and crucified, unless he is a fair haired boy of the dominating oligarchy." THE CANCER BLACKOUT An Illuminating, Factual Survey by M. H. Clutter, D.R.L

"We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else." --The New Order of Barbarians

My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly has solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations. A Report by Special Counsel for a United States Senate Investigating Committee

“The American Medical Association is fashioned to prescribe drugs and perform various treatments that although they may be unsuspecting, tend to weed out the weaker species. The Council views the AMA's 'modern medicine' as barbaric. Their plans are to have mind-enhanced health associates, like some of the USC medical and dental graduates, who provide the new health care for the Elite, after the takeover. Precision surgery with laser technology will make the so-called "modern methods" of surgery obsolete. Miracle medicines and herbs (God's pharmacy) will keep the body healthy. An understanding of the way the electro-molecular energy field around the body operates will allow the healthy body to be kept in perfect alignment creating perpetual perfect health or it can be brought back into alignment easily with the use of high-tech field variation equipment. This will be the modern medicine of the future and upcoming doctors will be trained in these methods in order to further the evolution of the Elite. The Elite plan to enjoy total and complete health due to their technology in electromagnetic fields. They also have antibodies against the diseases they let loose and make sure they are protected. Of course all of these findings came about by research and experiments on unsuspecting groups of people.”—Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories p 283)

Just where the Corporate medical mafia and the What To Think Network want your mind:
"These (conventional treatments) have gone through clinical trials and frankly are the best treatments available as they emerge. Trying to seek out other methods of improving a person's health status such as taking green tea or other harmless supplements has merit, but some of the things promoted out there can actually be harmful. (Especially if the person gives up conventional methods) As far as I am concerned, the researchers have a 'way to go' to get a handle on cancer. I do believe there are some more hopeful drugs and methods in the pipeline."--Usenet poster, 2004

There will never be a CURE for Cancer until the Establishment can accomplish their objectives by permitting it. Their primary goals are money and control. What big conglomerate will get the blessings of the Big Establishment? Nothing happens on the world scene that is not planned and designed by The Big Establishment. After 30 years of planning Metabolic Programs for some 33,000 Counselees and developing the scientific Paradigm for the PROPER CURE AND TREATMENT OF MALIGNANCY, I would like to share some of the conclusions.

First, we fall victim, not only to cancer, but also to the very clever brainwashing of our number one ENEMY. The Medical Establishment and the unending barrage of the conspiracy with the MEDIA and support groups such as the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the American Medical Association and an unlimited number of organizations that make their income from the crumbs that fall from the establishment’s table. Dr Kelley DDS

Florida Woman Eliminated 4 lb. Brain Tumour with Raw Food

Click Here for original story

My story begins in 2004. A CAT scan showed that I had a very large mass on the right side of my brain. I was diagnosed with a brain tumour! I could not believe it. To make matters worse, I needed immediate surgery.

We waited two days to see the neurosurgeon. The doctor wanted to take sections of my tumour for a biopsy. My husband, Stuart, told them there was no way he would allow this procedure. Next think we knew, I was dismissed from St. Mary’s Hospital.

By this time, I was having difficulty speaking and was suffering from terrible headaches. I could barely walk and had blurry vision. I also could not write. All my motor skills were not functioning, and I lost the ability to maintain bladder control.

Faced with this dead end, my husband and I discussed alternatives. We needed something immediate and close, so we called the Hippocrates Health Institute and spoke to the director, Brian Clement. We all know that I was going to need surgery as soon as we could find a doctor to do it. Dr. Clement urged me to change my eating habits immediately. This meant no more coffee with hazelnut cream, no sugar, no flour, very little fruit, no meat, no chicken, no fish. Only raw living food, lots of wheat grass, green drinks, lots of sprouts, and water with lemon. I had to make a major change in the way that I ate in order to save myself.

Several months later, I had my surgery at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. It lasted seven hours, and I lost seven pints of blood. The size of my atypical meningioma brain tumor was close to four pounds (the size of a grapefruit). My recovery time was five days in the hospital plus two days as an outpatient.

When we got home from the hospital, the first thing we did was buy a juicer to make my wheat grass and green drinks. I started buying sprouts and wheat grass and even started growing my own.

Two months later, I started feeling tired and my head was hurting again, so I had an MRI with contrast. They found two small tumours in my brain. Then my husband and I flew up the National Institutes of Health and had another MRI with contrast. The doctors found one small tumour.

Since I had an aggressive brain tumor, the doctors wanted to do immediate radiation on my brain for six weeks, once a day. I know what the effects of radiation would bring – and I know that I would have a malignant tumour five to twenty-five years later somewhere else in my body. Stuart and I agreed that we would take an alternative route. After my surgery, I was consistent with the Hippocrates Program at first, but as time when on, I slowly started to slack off by not juicing every day. Also, I started to eat the wrong types of food more frequently.

We spoke to Dr. Clement again, and he recommended no fruits, no carrots, no dairy, and absolutely no sugar. He then asked me if I had an ironing board, and I said, “Yes, why?” He wanted me to put my head on the floor and raise my legs on the ironing board, leaning up against the couch twice a day for fifteen minutes so the blood would rush to my head and help with the healing process.

Knowing that Dr. Clement know his stuff, I was willing to do whatever he asked of me. I was afraid of what could happen if I did not stick to the plan. I also went to an acupuncturist for two months, used aggressive Chinese herbs, wore a magnetic headband, drank green drinks and wheat grass juice, and ate lots of different kinds of sprouts several times a day as well as other types of raw living food.

In November 2005, the week before I was supposed to start radiation, I kept stalling; I did not feel the need for radiation. I called my neurosurgeon and asked him for one more MRI with contrast. I told him that if anything showed up, I would go through radiation without a word. I got my wish. I know in my heart there would be nothing there. They did another MRI with contrast , and the finding showed no more tumors, no blood clots, no more haemorrhaging. All the doctors could say was that I did not need radiation. In May 2006, we went to the NIH for my three-month check-up. I had another MRI with contrast. The white matter disease was gone. I had made it through.

Blind Faith in Vaccines

by Suzanne Humphries, MD

December 5, 2010 http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/

It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and more than one type of darkness has set in. Vaccines are being injected at lightning speed. New vaccines, untested vaccines, double-strength flu vaccines for the over 65 group; none of which have been shown to be effective at keeping anyone healthy. The naïve are lining up at clinics, shopping malls, and retail stores. They don’t know which kind of vaccine they will receive. Which manufacturer is it? Does it have mercury? What chemicals does it contain? Why should they care? Why would they not trust their doctor (or their local pharmacist)?

These healthcare professionals say it is a good idea to get a flu vaccine to stay healthy this winter, so they allow disease to be injected into their muscles. The people have been mesmerized, duped and frightened by a bogeyman illness called the flu. Ironically, the real bogeyman – the silent monster that can wreak unrecognised havoc – just slipped beneath their skin, completely unnoticed, and masquerading as something healthy, called a vaccine. Despite any logic or science behind the mass marketing of the flu and pneumonia jabs, these vaccines remain the most recommended solution to preventing disease by the uninformed, propaganda-parroting practitioners.

The people who are getting vaccinated and the practitioners who are pushing vaccines are parishioners of the largest church on earth. They can be very devout and unreasonable. They believe this medical religion, vaccination, has saved millions of lives. They’ve read the holy bible of Merck and believe the mantras of the CDC that vaccines have eradicated disease from the Earth. They must be a gift from some god, right? But what else have these indoctrinated persons in white coats read about vaccines? With few exceptions, precious little. Most who administer these slurries don’t even know what ingredients are in them.

No matter how obvious the true cause of so much human misery becomes – that people are actually being sickened and immuno-suppressed by vaccines and drugs – the pharma-faithful can’t see the cause. Here’s why: Doctors are the modern day priests and priestesses, anointing their followers with prescriptions. The priests are infatuated with and addicted to the power endowed to them. They strut about, cock-sure that they were rightly taught the one and only true form of medicine, and they are fulfilling their service to humanity. They have been successfully ordained into the Brotherhood. They have no intentions of doubting or abandoning their programming, even when they witness someone healing without drugs, or being healthy without vaccines. Where would they be if they realized that the earth would be better off without their temples and holy water? They are unintentionally dependent on their devotees’ illnesses and on the system that taught them to spar with disease rather than heal it. The temple of mirrors is filled with smoke, and creates illusions that will keep the sick coming back for more.

Vaccine reactions can look to those who do not consider a vaccine to be a potentially toxic drug, like bad luck or like a new problem that randomly materialized out of nowhere. No matter that the new symptom or illness arrived a few hours, days or weeks after a vaccine; the new problem is considered a random event. People with heart attacks, strokes, infections(namely pneumonia),organ failure, cancer, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, allergies, blood disorders, seizures, exacerbation of chronic diseases almost always have a past history of allopathic “treatment” and vaccinations that could have led up to today’s medical conditions rather than prevented them. Scientific safety studies and long term follow-up studies demonstrating the lack of association between vaccines and the above listed conditions do not exist. Whoever doubts this, please produce some evidence to the contrary since the burden of proof is not on me. I am just a doctor, bearing witness from the bedside.

To the average practitioner, if vaccine reactions don’t occur within hours of the injection and if they are not on a list of likely vaccine reactions, then the vaccines are removed from the suspect list by the medical priests. And those who question, or point out the connections, are summarily dismissed. The pharma-faithful priests will say, “This correlation cannot be proven; this is anecdotal. It could have been anything.” Anything…like what? A bad hamburger, bad luck, bad genes, cold air, too much cholesterol? Anything. Anything, that is, except their most beloved potion, the vaccine. Not the solution of lore. Not the greatest discovery of the past 200 years. Not the holy grail of pharma. No, no. It simply cannot be the vaccine for which they hold so much blind trust.

In the days and weeks that have passed since this fall’s vaccines, the sick and wounded have stumbled into emergency rooms and clinics. Or they have been wheeled in, obtunded, disoriented, dyspneic, coughing up blood, seizing. I have seen this first hand, from the emergency room to the intensive care units, and if they are lucky, to the wards. And if they were not lucky, they were noted in the obituaries. The hospital was mysteriously filled to capacity in mid-October. The search for the cause of so much illness was hunted down with millions of dollars of tests. The cause of this big wave of sick patients just might be right beneath the priests’ noses, yet they continue looking for something that makes sense to them within the bounds of their programming. You know what “they” say, “If you want to hide something, put it right out in the open”. In the case of vaccines, that tactic has been surprisingly successful.

Here’s the plan by the vaccine enthusiasts: Vaccinate everyone. Tell them it is necessary to prevent death and disease. Make it easy for them, and if necessary, make it free. Tell them it is irresponsible to refuse the shot. Threaten them and coerce them. Tell them they could lose their livelihood if they do not comply. If too many refuse, declare states of emergency, ramp up production, make the shot mandatory. If enough people are vaccinated, it will soon become impossible to discern regular illness from vaccine-induced disease. Everyone will simply appear to be sick and every human will become desperate enough to swallow at least two or three of pharma’s widgets (pills) every day for life. Disease will become the expectation from birth to death, and the time will shorten between the two.

Once in a while, a patient, doctor or nurse sees some truth through a half open eyelid. When that happens, s/he gets a glimpse of the unbelievable, the unimaginable. To everyone else, the fable of the germ theory lives on, as the shareholders bank their dividends. Few of us were born enlightened, and waking up is painful. The truth almost always sneaks in, unannounced. It startles the best of us, jogs our souls, riles our egos. And if righteous indignation doesn’t keep us imprisoned, the truth will liberate and cause the observer to seek a new path, a true vocation (translated literally to “calling”). In the world of conventional medicine, those who are comfortable need to be shaken, and the few who are shaken often need comforting.

The walls of deception- that vaccines are necessary, safe or effective- are cracking . Each week, fewer people are figuratively deaf, blind and less are simple-mindedly naïve. The masses are not lining up these days the way they did just a few years ago. Public trust is declining despite the propaganda of the media machine. Truth is indestructible and the web of lies around the value of vaccines is unraveling. The day will soon come when the weight of the lies will collapse on the heads of the priests, who have been recruited to maintain the distorted truths about vaccines.

In the meantime, many will be maimed and many will die. Sadly this will happen without anyone in the temple making the association between the vaccine and the death. German physician, Samuel Hahnemann MD, the founder of Homeopathy once said that if an allopathic doctor deepens an illness with their suppressive drugs long enough, the patient would become incurable. He knew the truth: when the damage is deep enough, short of a miracle, there is no returning to health. Vaccines shorten the time between mild illness and incurable disease, especially when they are given to persons who already have compromised health. When injuries are piled on top of illness, the only thing left to do is damage control- and pray for that miracle.

There is credible information readily available on each and every vaccine’s risk . There is a mountain of evidence that speaks differently than the vaccine mantras told by doctors and seen on television. The chanting of vaccination necessity and safety is dissonant with logic and reason…and science. Maybe you shouldn’t trust your doctor-priest because s/he’s been fooled too. Many will profit on your disease, but only you will profit from your health. If a vaccine causes damage, there will be no man behind the curtain to give you a new life and no one to help you get back home. There will just be you, your sad family, and a doctor with a prescription pad. It’s time to wake up, while the choice is still yours.

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology

(NaturalNews) Genetic engineering is evolving into a whole new monster with the recent introduction of synthetic biology, a new technology that involves inserting computer-generated DNA into genetically modified (GM) yeast for the purpose of fermenting synthetic ingredients. But a coalition of environmental and food safety advocacy groups is hoping to put a stop to this latest abomination, which is expected to be quietly hidden in the food supply and labeled as "natural."

A recent announcement by Friends of the Earth (FOE) explains that the first "SynBio" ingredient to be released commercially is one that mimics vanillin, the active flavor compound found in natural vanilla. A Swiss company known as Evolva, in partnership with International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF), has developed a way to produce artificial vanillin using the brave new process, which has never been tested for safety.

By combining GM yeast with man-made DNA, scientists have come up with a way to manufacture synthetic vanillin-like flavoring in a lab, producing a substance that mimics the real thing. It is biotechnology on steroids, in essence, and multinational corporations plan to market the end product as "natural" while hiding it in food without proper, honest labeling.

"Synthetic biology vanillin is made with a new synthetic genetic code inserted into yeast," explains FOE about the process. "Using a computer, scientists edit the DNA in yeast and insert the computer generated DNA, and then through a fermentation process, force the yeast to biosynthesize vanillin."

SynBio vanillin threatens last remaining rainforests

Like GMOs, synthetic biology is currently unregulated. Independent studies looking at how it affects humans and the environment are non-existent. And yet SynBio vanillin is expected to hit the global market in the very near future, with the potential to turn up in cake frosting, ice cream, baked goods and other food items that often contain vanilla flavoring.

In addition to the fact that it is untested, SynBio vanillin also threatens to undo many generations of natural vanilla cultivation worldwide. Indigenous farmers who currently grow vanilla in harmony with rainforest ecosystems in Africa, South America and elsewhere will be hit hard by the release of SynBio vanillin, which requires intensive sugar cultivation to feed the yeast strains that produce it.

"The immense amount of sugar required for efficient vanillin synthesis encourages monocultures of fast-growing sugars instead of the rich biodiversity of the tropical ecosystems which are host to the vanilla orchid," explains FOE. "Without the natural vanilla market adding economic value to the rainforest in these regions, these last standing rainforests will not be protected from deforestation and sugar cane used to feed the yeast will replace the forests."

If it is allowed to enter the food supply as "natural" without any indication of its biotech origins, SynBio could also cause a major public health crisis. The long-term health consequences of existing GMOs are only just now hitting the mainstream, and the secret addition of SynBio vanillin and other ingredients into the food supply will most likely make the situation even worse.

"It is unclear if synthetic biology vanillin is safe to eat, or what impacts if the synthetic organisms may have upon were interact with natural organisms or ecosystems," says FOE. "Without precautionary testing and regulations that are specific to synthetic biology and which recognize it is as a unique and complex technology, we may not find emergent health threats until it is too late."

How Tobacco Companies Make Smoking More Addictive

How Tobacco Companies Make Smoking More Addictive

Many Benefits of Drinking Water

Original article, Click Here

Water is by far the most important resource in the world, yet it garners the respect of so few. How often do you find yourself standing with the fridge door open looking for something to drink – completely ignoring your jug of filtered water that sits before your eyes?

The truth is, water should always be the beverage of choice. While the human body can go about 3 weeks without food, it cannot survive for more than 3 days without water.

Water is essential to every bodily function. No other liquid can sustain your body like water, and the body needs a certain amount of water to function well.

Discover: 1 Unique spice that FIGHTS belly blubber (and lowers blood sugar)
About 80% of the human brain is water, blood contains 83% water, the lungs 79% and muscles 76%. All in all, the human body is comprised of about 75% water. Every function in the body is dependent on a steady supply and flow of water.

Water transports such things as hormones, chemicals and nutrients which are vital to efficient organ function. Without water we would not be able to digest or absorb minerals or nutrients and our kidneys would fail from toxic overload.

Water is, in fact, a sort of miracle elixir – but have you ever thought of it that way?

Here are just a few of the amazing things that water can do for your health:

keep skin vibrant and supple
escort toxins from the body
support healthy metabolism
improve energy
remove body heat
lubricate joints
improve mental and physical performance
support digestion

But hold on… we are just getting started. Water, yes, simple, plain old water, the same water that you might bypass for something more glamourous… not only sustains life but holds within it the capacity to heal. Here are sixteen illnesses that water can help prevent and reverse. We hope that after reading this article you will be convinced that water should ALWAYS be your first beverage of choice.


It is estimated that over 52 million adults in the United States have some form of arthritis – which literally means “joint inflammation”. The pain and discomfort of this condition varies from a minor inconvenience to a full-blown disability. Millions of dollars are spent on anti-inflammatory and pain medications that often have harsh side effects.

Persons suffering from arthritis are often subjected to a life sentence to these harsh drugs, but there may be a better way. The most important thing that someone with arthritis can do is to make sure that their joints are lubricated, and water can do this. Water not only lubricates but also pads joints and reduces the friction that causes pain.

A suction-like motion pulls water from bone marrow to the joint cavity; this helps joints glide easily. If there is not enough water available it causes friction and eventually pain. If you are severely dehydrated, dry cartilage can die and peel off from the contact surface of the bones.


Gout, being a form of arthritis, is also markedly improved if not completed kept at bay with a proper consumption of water. Water helps to remove uric acid and other toxins from joints that build-up causing swelling and pain.


This painful condition is characterized by low bone mass and a structural breaking down of bone tissue. Over 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and over 34 million have low bone mass – a precursor to this disease. Although there are certain risk factors that are out of our control, such as race and gender, there is much that we can control – such as how much water we consume. Water not only helps prevent this condition but it can also help sufferers cope.

Heart Disease

Often called the silent killer, taking the lives of almost 2,200 people daily – yes, we said daily. Heart disease is rampant and we seem to be able to do little to control it. However, it appears as though there is a strong relationship between water and coronary health. One study demonstrated that drinking 5 or more glasses of water per day can cut the risk of dying from a heart attack by 50%. Study leaders say that drinking water is as important as exercising, not smoking and diet in preventing heart disease.


Constipation is an annoying and often painful condition that millions of Americans suffer from. If you have less than 3 stools per week you are constipated. If you have less than one stool a week, you are severely constipated.

The cause of constipation can be traced back to any number of things, including poor diet, medication, poor bowel habits, dehydration, hormonal disorders and laxative abuse. For many people, the discomfort of constipation becomes so great that they reach for over-the-counter medications for relief. Unfortunately, many of these medications only mask the symptoms and can make the problem worse.

It is important to consume a diet that contains healthy fats, fibers, vitamins and minerals, but it is equally important to consume adequate amounts of water. Not only does water help rid the body of toxins but it also supports healthy digestion. When you are hydrated, less water will be taken from the colon – leaving stools softer and easier to pass.


Many people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it. Of course such things as dropping a few pounds, adopting a healthy diet and exercising can all help keep blood pressure in its normal ranges – but did you know how important it is to drink water as well?

When you don’t consume enough water the body actually hangs on to sodium to preserve fluids. Dehydration forces the shutdown of capillary beds and puts a tremendous pressure on both capillaries and arteries which elevates blood pressure. So, staying well-hydrated is a very important part of keeping hypertension at bay.


Starve a fever – feed a cold, is a common saying we hear a lot. What about hydrate a fever instead? Having a fever actually means that the body is fighting off an illness or an infection and is a good sign that things aren’t quite right. Having a fever leads to dehydration because the body will drain water from cells. Fever causes fluid loss and it is paramount that you replace these fluids – water is the best choice. Dehydration can make symptoms worse and cause additional discomfort.

Skin Issues

You may not think about your skin as an organ but in fact, it is the body’s largest organ and is comprised of cells that are made up of water. Just like any other organ, skin needs water to be healthy. Many skin conditions such as overly dry, flaky or blotchy skin may be the result of dehydration. Without adequate water, skin can age prematurely and develop a greater number of wrinkles.

Sleep Disturbances

One in three persons suffer from some kind of sleep disturbance, more commonly known as insomnia. Characterized by a persistent problem falling asleep or staying asleep, insomnia can interfere with your work and social life and also contribute to serious health conditions.

An alarming number of people turn to both prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills to ease their suffering. However, these pills are dangerous and can be highly addictive. Like so many other conditions, an adequate water intake is essential to reducing overall inflammation which can interfere with a good night’s sleep. When combined with a healthy diet, stress management and exercise, it is possible to develop a healthy sleeping routine without the use of medication.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections, caused by a fungus, are annoying and can be very painful. Almost 75% of women will be impacted by one of these infections in their lifetime – some more than others. Although many people turn to garlic and yogurt to combat these infections, one of the best tools is actually pure and simple water.

The more water you drink, the more you flush out excess sugars that can cause yeast infections. If you are prone to yeast infections, adding plenty of water to a healthy diet along with managing stress can prove to be one of the most effective tools for keeping infections at bay.


According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, MD., Americans suffer over one billion colds each year. Oh the dreaded cold; runny nose, sore throat, lack of energy and the host of other uncomfortable symptoms that go with it drag so many people down.

Over-the-counter drugs only seem to keep symptoms at bay – and some, don’t do this very well. The truth be known, once you get a cold virus there is very little you can do but ride it out as comfortably as possible.

However, you can do things to keep a cold from turning your life upside down in the first place – including washing hands and eating a healthy diet. While you may do these things, it is easy to forget that one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy is to replace lost fluids with water. Water helps to flush out toxins and also helps the body to produce mucus. When fighting off a cold, the body needs more water than usual and can easily get dehydrated.

Blood Sugar

According to French researchers, drinking four or more 8 ounce glasses of water per day can prevent the development of high blood sugar – a condition known as prediabetes. One in three Americans have this dangerous precursor to diabetes.

Researchers state that a hormone called vasopressin (an antidiuretic hormone) helps to balance water retention. When we become dehydrated, the levels of this hormone increase which causes the kidneys to conserve water. Studies indicate that there are vasopressin receptors in the liver – which produces glucose in the body and that higher levels of vasopressin may cause a rise in blood sugar.

Bladder Infection

Although the bladder passes fluids from the body – it needs water to do its job. The elastic muscle fibers of the bladder allow it to expand and store up to 750 ml of fluid. Pressure on the bladder walls trigger the need to urinate. Bladder infections are the result of bacteria entering the urine, which in turn creates the same urge to urinate as a full bladder. Consuming 6-8 glasses of water each day can help keep the bladder healthy and free from bacteria.

Kidney Stones

A proper supply of water helps to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Kidneys, along with the liver and urinary tract, are responsible for ridding the body of toxic materials. If the kidneys stop doing its job for just two days, metabolic toxins would accumulate and cause poisoning. When bacteria and proteins build up, stones (crystals) form – these are very painful and can be difficult to pass. Studies indicate that dehydration can increase the chance of stones to develop.

Asthma and Seasonal Allergies

According to studies, a lack of water vapor in the lungs can cause airways to constrict and produce mucus – this can bring on an asthma attack. For this reason it is vital that persons suffering with asthma drink plenty of water each day. At least ten 8 ounce glasses are recommended.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, it is also highly important to stay hydrated. Drinking water helps the body flush out irritants, thins mucus and helps with sinus drainage.

What kind of water should I drink?

There are some people who drink enough water but are not consuming the right water. Perhaps you are under the assumption that your tap water is safe because the government says it is safe? In fact, your tap water might contain up to 80 so called “regulated” contaminants and many unregulated toxins.

Perhaps you purchase bottled water in an attempt to stay safe, however, there is a major problem with deceptive labelling in the bottled water industry.

Don’t be fooled by marketing campaigns that state that the water is from a spring or pristine pool. Bottled water is just water and a very, very big business. Each year, over $75 billion dollars are spent on bottled water.

Bottled water in the United States falls under the authority of the FDA. Since over 70% of bottled water never crosses a state line for sale, it is exempt from the scrutiny of the FDA.
Tests done on bottled water have turned up traces of carcinogenic compounds, pharmaceuticals, fluoride, and arsenic to name a few. Bottled water is not a good value and creates mounds and mounds of trash that ends up in our oceans and landfills, no matter how much we recycle.

Toxins in Drinking Water


Known as an extremely dangerous toxin, fluoride is added to water sources including municipal water as well as bottled water. Adding fluoride to water has been banned in other countries but remains a common practice in many American cities; although some have rejected this practice since as early as 1990.


Arsenic is a heavy, toxic metal that is classified by the International Academy for Research on Cancer as a Category l carcinogen. This means that it is a known cancer causing metal. The Environmental Protection Agency set the acceptable standard for arsenic at 10 parts per billion in tap water. Many states exceed this standard.


Inhaling chlorine is dangerous to health and ingesting it is even more so. Chlorine is added to water to kill certain bacteria. Once chlorine enters the body, it joins with other compounds to form Trihalomethanes which trigger free radical damage. In a recent study, chlorine was added to the water supply of rats who developed tumors in their intestines, liver and kidneys.

The United States Council of Environmental Quality, states that people who consume water with chlorine have an over 90% higher risk of developing cancer than those who don’t. Even after the results of this and other similar studies have been presented before the government, chlorine continues to be added to water.


So, after reading this you may be thinking, what should I drink if I cannot drink tap or bottled water? Here are a few options; as with anything, be sure that these options are suitable for your needs and do your research before making a purchase. Some systems are better than others at removing harmful contaminants. Arrange to have your tap water tested so that you know what it is you need to filter out.

There are a few options to consider when it comes to improving the quality of your drinking water. A whole house water filtration system may set you back a few bucks, but it is worth it in the long run. A good system will filter multiple impurities including chlorine from your entire water supply and requires only minor maintenance like changing the filter.

Pitcher filtration systems that go in the refrigerator are inexpensive, but they often fall short of removing all water contaminants. Reverse osmosis systems, either countertop, under the counter or whole house types can be costly and actually strip water of just about everything, including healthy trace minerals. Do not use a reverse osmosis filter system unless you are going to supplement your diet with trace minerals.

How much water should I drink?

If your urine has low odor and is pale colored, you are most likely on track. Some health practitioners say to aim for at least ten glasses a day, while others recommend half of your body weight in ounces.

Of course, if you are working out or spending time outdoors in the heat, it is essential that you replace water lost due to perspiration. You can also pull the skin on the top of your hand to see if it bounces back. If it stays up for a while, grab a glass or two of water, your tank is probably low.

So, it is clear, the next time you really want something to drink – push the soda, fruity juice concoctions, energy drinks, etc. aside and satisfy yourself with pure and natural water – your body will thank you!

-The Alternative Daily
