Wednesday, 29 April 2020

What people are doing to microwave towers

What People are Doing to Microwave Towers

People are making the connection to COVID-19.

Monday, 27 April 2020

GRU Colonel said about the COVID-19

Here what this GRU Colonel said about the
COVID-19 (it's not what we are told)!

Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

Today, consumers eat these foods daily without knowing the potential health risks. In 2003, Jeffrey Smith explained them in his book titled "Seeds of Deception." He revealed that efforts to inform the public have been quashed, reliable science has been buried, and consider what happened to two distinguished scientists - UC Berkeley's Ignacio Chapela and former Scotland Rowett Research Institute researcher and world's leading lectins and plant genetic modification expert, Arpad Pusztai. They were vilified, hounded, and threatened for their research, and in the case of Pusztai, fired from his job for doing it.

Find out more here.

7 Hidden Dangers Of Artificial Sweeteners

7 Hidden Dangers Of Artificial Sweeteners

By Emily Mann
From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International

Satisfy your sweet tooth without calories? Artificial sweeteners give you all the benefits of sugar without the gut-busting consequences. It's the perfect win-win.

Except when it's not. Artificial sweeteners have been shrouded in controversy ever since saccharin, the first no-cal sweetener, was discovered back in 1878. Even then, public health advocates questioned whether these lab-created sweeteners were truly safe; saccharin, after all, was discovered by a chemist working with coal tar, a carcinogenic material.

Nearly 150 years—and an infinite number of conflicting studies—later, the issue still isn't settled. The European Food Safety Administration, after an exhaustive review of the literature on aspartame, declared at the end of 2013 that the sweetener is safe at current exposure levels and doesn't cause cancer. The advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest, meanwhile, decried that decision as a total "whitewash."

So, to sweeten or not to sweeten? If your goal is to lose weight, these artificial sugars can help you drop calories. But like most inventions of the chemical and food industries, artificial sweeteners aren't living up to their promises. Cancer concerns aside, researchers are finding new reasons that these no-cal taste enhancers are posing undue health risks without fulfilling the promise of helping you lose weight. Here are seven…

#1: They trick your taste buds.

Artificial sweeteners, even natural ones like stevia, which comes from an herb, are hundreds, sometimes thousands, of times sweeter than sugar, says Anne Alexander, editor of Prevention magazine and author of the new book, The Sugar Smart Diet. Sucralose, sold under the brand name Splenda, is 600 times sweeter than table sugar, and neotame, an emerging alternative to aspartame, is 7,000 times sweeter. Stevia is 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. "And evidence suggests that exposing your taste buds to these high-intensity sweeteners makes them less receptive to natural sources of sweetness such as fruit," says Alexander. When your taste buds get dulled, you're more likely to seek out sweeter and sweeter foods.

#2: They trick your gut.

Susan Swithers, PhD, professor of behavioral neuroscience at Purdue University and a leading researcher on artificial sweeteners, says that your gut gets confused when you eat zero-calorie-but-super-sweet artificial sweeteners. The sweet taste sends a signal to your gut that something high calorie is on its way, so your gut anticipates foods that do, in fact, have a high calorie count. But when those don't arrive, your gut doesn't utilize the foods efficiently, and that causes a cascading effect that interferes with your body's hunger signals.

#3: They mess with your hormones.

Part of that cascading effect has to do with the hormone insulin. When you taste sweet foods, even if they have zero calories, your body still releases insulin as if you'd eaten sugar. Insulin leads to blood sugar spikes, which increase cravings. Swithers' research has also suggested that artificial sweeteners prevent your body from producing GLP-1, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels and feelings of satiety. Combined, the two haywire hormones could be causing you to feel hungrier and eat more.

#4: They make you overeat.

It's not just a biochemical reaction that leads artificial sweeteners to pack on the pounds. Natasha Turner, ND, author of The Super-Charged Hormone Diet, says that artificially sweetened foods could trick you into overeating because of they way they feel in your mouth. "The taste and feel of food in our mouth influences our learned ability to match our caloric intake with our caloric need," she says. High fat, high sugar foods taste both sweet and dense, signaling to your brain that they're high calories. But artificially sweetened foods often have a thinner consistency and texture than sugar-sweetened foods and thus, aren't as satisfying. "Our natural ability to control how much we eat and, therefore, our body weight may be weakened when this natural link is impaired by consuming products that contain artificial sweeteners," she says.

#5: They give you diabetes.

The two above, combined, could explain why a number of studies have found that diet soda drinkers are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers aren't clear as to why they're seeing this relationship, whether it's the fact that people eat other unhealthy foods that undo any calorie-saving effects of a no-calorie drink or if it's something biological related to the drinks' artificial sugars. But something is obviously amiss: A recent study from the University of Texas found that people who drank diet soda were 65 percent more likely to be overweight than people who drank no soda and, more bizarre, they were more likely to be overweight than people who drank regular soda.

#6: They're polluting your water.

Artificial sweeteners are meant to be hearty—they're designed to withstand the harsh conditions of your body so they won't break down and add calories. Because they're so potent, they don't break down in the environment, when exposed to light, oxygen and microbes, either. In a 2009 study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, Swedish researchers detected sucralose and acesulfame K in treated wastewater, including samples that were pulled from a municipal water-supply source. They also noted that the artificial sweeteners hadn't degraded in wastewater sludge after a period of seven hours. Canadian researchers got the same results four years later; sucralose and acesulfame were found in each sample drawn from a river that collects wastewater from 33 different treatment plants.

#7: They're genetically modified.

As if the preceding six reasons weren't enough to turn you off artificial sweeteners for good, here's one more: They're yet another source of genetically modified crops in your food. Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, neotame, and erythritol can all be made from corn, soy, or sugar beets. In the United States, the vast majority of those three crops have been genetically altered to resist or produce harmful pesticides. 

 More information on aspartame on,,,

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

More Stupidity Than Ever Before

More Stupidity Than Ever Before

Never in my life have I felt such disdain for the stupidity of my fellow human beings.

by Mike Stone 

Cowering behind closed doors, hiding behind medical masks, afraid to stand within six feet of another human being.

Welcome to L.A. Never in my life have I felt such disdain for the stupidity of my fellow human beings.

 I'm talking about anyone age 15 or so and older who actually believes all the bullshit they're being fed about this #scamdemic.

I'm talking about people that are willfully ignorant. Do you watch the television news? Do you believe what they're telling you? If so, you're a f-ing idiot. Sorry for the harsh language, but you are. And it's about time somebody called you out on it.

You're being conned, bamboozled, hoodwinked. They're playing you like a fiddle and you're so stupid you don't even know it. And of all the stupid people in all the stupid states in this country, clueless California has the stupidest.

The governor seems intent on inflicting as much economic and emotional pain on the citizens of California as possible. He was one of the first to order a statewide lockdown. Citizens were ordered to stay at home and "non-essential" businesses ordered to close.

My neighborhood, once thriving and vibrant, now looks like a post-apocalyptic ghost town.

Everything is shut down. Of the few "essential" businesses that remain open, no one is allowed in without a mask, and no one is allowed within six feet of another person. Did you know that's it's actually against the law in this state now to go outside without a mask? And people are actually being ticketed for it?

Millions of Californians have now lost their jobs and the state is overrun with unemployment claims, but the website for filing claims never works and no one answers the phone. Businesses are going under left and right. Do you think the greedy property owners who rent or lease space to all of those businesses are going to let them slide a month or two because of this "pandemic"? Ha! Think again.

This state was already on the verge of bankruptcy and now this? Are you f-ing kidding me? They better keep those stimulus checks and food stamps coming. If they don't, California is going to see riots that make the Rodney King uprising look like a walk in the park.

There are two restaurants in my neighborhood that I used to frequent. The first is owned by a young Asian couple that invested their life savings into opening it. It's been boarded up for the last three weeks. The owners are the nicest couple you'll ever meet. I don't see how they're going to survive.

The second is a bar with a restaurant in the back. They remained open after the lockdown as a takeout establishment, but the stupid mayor of Los Angeles found out and cut their phone,  power and their water, forcing them to close. Hundreds of other businesses in this state suffered the same fate. Meanwhile, over ten percent of the jail population has been set free on the streets and police are no longer arresting anyone for thefts of under $1,000.

F-ing criminals are turned loose to rob, pillage, and rape, while honest people trying to work and make a living are harassed, shut down, and in some cases arrested. And nobody in this state gives a shit. They're all hunkered down, hiding behind their stupid masks, terrified of a damn cold virus.

The slimiest ones of all are collecting reward money for snitching on their fellow citizens. Think I'm kidding? Hell no! The commie pukes running the show here are actually paying reward money for alerting them to "non-essential" businesses that remain open.

I pass women on the street. Some of them actually look kind of alluring with nothing visible but their eyes. But how can you remain attracted to anyone dumb enough to buy into this hoax? I'm at the point where I have zero tolerance for stupidity.

Once a week now I'm forced to wait in line with 50-100 other people, waiting for the local grocery store, which used to operate 24 hours, to open at 7 A.M. When the doors finally do open, everyone surges forward. I feel the shopping cart of the person behind me ramming into the back of my ankles. The first time, I ignore it. The second time, I ignore it. The third time, I turn around. The person pushing the cart is a middle-aged Asian man. His face is covered with a mask, but his eyes are among the most frightened I've ever seen. Once we get inside the store, he races off like a madman. I spot him later at the checkout lane, his cart overflowing with canned food and toilet paper.

There's a girl that works at that grocery store that I talk to. I see she's not wearing a mask, which makes her and me and a guy bagging groceries the only ones not doing so. I'm instantly attracted. She's the only person I've spoken to in the last three weeks who recognizes how stupid and retarded this whole thing is. Talking to her is like a breath of fresh air. Then she tells me that starting tomorrow all employees and all customers will be required to wear a mask in order to enter the store.


Is there anything positive about this scamdemic? Anything positive at all? If Hollywood crumbles and none of those talentless hacks ever works again, I would almost say it was worth it. But I can't see that happening. The industry has to be in line for literally hundreds of millions of dollars in bailouts. They just have to. They wouldn't be going along with this farce if they weren't.

Same with the fast food restaurants. Same with the newspapers and magazines that nobody reads anymore. Every slime bucket business will be bailed out, while every worthwhile one will either be destroyed or put on life support.

On a personal level, I'm in great shape. Forced to stay home all day, I'm doing pushups, I'm doing pull-ups; my body is strong as an ox. Muscles popping up all over. But for what? To live in a city of morons? To live in a country of brain-dead zombies?

Here's something positive: I'm praying more, and trying to make amends with people for past sins. It's a tremendous feeling to connect with someone from the past and apologize for any harm I might have caused them. Try it yourself.

Based on what I've observed over the last three weeks, if the U.S. were ever to get into a war with another super power, I'm almost certain we'd get our asses kicked. The people of this country have become weak, pathetic little cowards. And our so-called leaders are the worst ones of all. Where's the pushback among all this madness? Where's the slightest sign of intelligence and courage? Some Republican Governors say they're going to reopen their states. God bless 'em.

As for California, forget it. Forget about school in the fall. Forget about 80% of these closed businesses ever reopening. Forget about seeing any happy, smiling people from this state any time in the near future. It's all doom and gloom in the Golden State.

Some Alternative News Sites Are Actually For The Lock Down

Some Alternative News Sites Are Actually For The Lock Down

Believe it or not, there are a few patriotic alternative news sites that are for the lock down; they are on the same side of the government and media that they know are known liars. Fortunately, they are losing credibility. I've see more and more alternative websites that are seeing the lies of this Coronavirus and the people that are pushing this.


For those who don't believe the media but somehow believe they are telling the truth about the Coronavirus, read this.


I heard a podcast by someone who says that, while he agrees with the protestors, he says that they are infecting others by not wearing face masks and not keeping their distance; that we should stay indoors if we want to see the lock down end.

The reason why I bring this up is, that this is coming from someone who is suppose to be on our side and they might actually believe him. If it came from CNN, our people would not entertain the idea. But when it comes from someone who, normally speaks the truth, they might believe.

The fact is, if we have to wait until the government decides, we can be locked in our homes for as along as they want. They would be happy if everyone stays in home and not complain. So, should we also stay in home when we are starving? After all, if we go outside, there will be thousands of others doing the same thing and should you be afraid if we “infect” someone when we are dying? Should we stay indoors until we are so weak that when we do want to go outside, we would be too weak to do so?

The fact is, the shills that have infiltrated the Christian/Patriotic movement think that's it's more important to obey what we are told rather then getting back to work but he thinks that it's better to be inside, even if the economy is ruined in the meantime.

This is what the lock down demonstrators want – they want to get back to work so the whole nation doesn't starve and become poor.

My Prediction

This is my prediction but I think that once this lock down continues, there will be more people out there demonstrating. They will have weapons (talking about Americans), and they will use them. I also predict that more policeman and foot soldiers will be joining their fellow Americans and bring their weapons with them. Why? Because their family, their parents, brothers and sisters will be starving, poor, losing their homes, etc. People will be hurting financially. So, these soldiers will be taking sides. I see a civil war coming. Being this is the End Times, I see God's invention, per the book of Revelation. Then, the house of Esau will be totally destroyed. Amen!

Monday, 20 April 2020

Vaccinations vs Herd Immunity

Vaccinations vs Herd Immunity

We hear the hypocrites like Bill Gates and company that everyone needs to be vaccinated so the spread of the Coronavirus is stopped. While, on the other hand, we hear that once “herd immunity” is reached, it would stop the Coronavirus. So, which is it?

Check out these two article and compare them. The first one is about Bill Gates and how the world needs to be vaccinated. While the second one talks about “herd immunity”.



Now, if vaccinations prevents you from getting whatever it's designed to stop, why are the vaccinated afraid of those who are not vaccinated? They are suppose to be immune to it! So, why this design to have the world vaccinated? We know the reason but I won't get into it here.

If the UK, for example, hopes we get at least 60% of the people exposed to Coronavirus, then why do we need vaccinations? If one is true, the other can not be true. Or, they can both be lies – which it is! All vaccines contains poisons. Don't believe me? Just look at the contradict effects of provided by the pharmaceutical companies that make them.

100,000 gather for Funeral in Bangladesh

100,000 gather for Funeral in Bangladesh

Bangladesh officials are reportedly investigating how the huge crowd was allowed to attend the funeral of a popular Islamic preacher on Saturday, even as authorities battle a surge in virus cases.

Source: Yahoo News

What the governments of the world are afraid of is, that people will wake up and see that this COVID-19 is not what it's made up to be. Then their whole plan of world control is over. Do you think this will only happen in Bangladesh? Just watch, if our lock down is extended long enough, there will be mass gatherings here, too. People are waking up!

Is COVID-19 causing the deaths in Guayaquil Ecuador?

Is COVID-19 causing the deaths in Guayaquil Ecuador?

In this video you see the deaths that are happening in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Many people are saying it's the Coronavirus that is doing it. With the hospitals and emergency services being over run; bodies of people who are yet to be picked up; people still lying in the homes and people wrapped in plastic bags on the street.

You also see a long line of trucks and other vehicles bring the bodies of their loved ones to the cemetery.

Let's investigate this further but first, let's look at what the governments in the past have done, particularly the US Government – you'll see why in a moment.

If you know about government and media lies from your own research, you know the lies behind things such as:

  • 9-11 cover up
  • false flag shooting events
  • starting wars
  • starting revolutions in countries around the world

We know that the US Government has a dark and long history of lying to the people; of willing to kill people in other countries as well as their own ( i.e. 9-11). Books have been written with documentation of the murder that has been done. With that in mind, let's proceed.

With the above video, what are the following possibilities? They are:

1 That everything is true as is reported

2 That it's true but not done by Coronavirus

3 That's it's false

Now, if you are a believer in the media or if you are not, the above covers all possible views. It happened, it didn't happen, or it happened BUT the narrative is different. Now, let's take a close look at each one of these.

1 That everything is true as is reported. But if this is the case, why hasn't it happened in other cities in Ecuador, such as the capital, Quito, Manta or Ambato? After all, if this Coronavirus is so contagious, why hasn't there been an outbreak in other cities? After all, many people travelled before the lock down; and during the lock down you still have truck drivers going from city to city. So, where is the outbreak there? It's only in Guayaquil.

2 That it's true but not done by Coronavirus. The deaths could be real, and the people believing that it's done by the Coronavirus but did they really die of this? After all, they just repeat what their government tells them, just like the average person in any other country repeats what they are told.

But there could be other factors that are causing the deaths. If you have been following this COVID-19, you know that just about everyone who has pneumonia is labelled as a COVID-19 death. Which we know as not the case.

3 That's it's false. We know that there have been, for example, mass shootings that never took place, but the media is shown the “injured and dead.” One such example is the gay bar shooting in Florida a few years ago. Or the Boston Marathon bombing. We know from photographic evidence that crises actors were hired; we see the same person that was killed in one shooting killed in another shooting event! This could have been done in Ecuador.

Think of it, there are many people in Ecuador who would love to earn $100 for a day's work (or even work for less). The stage could be set with all the equipment that is needed. I thought that it was strange that all these poor families happen to have nice caskets all wrapped in plastic wrap to put the bodies of their loved ones in!

“So, if this was not done by COVID-19, what could cause the deaths?”

My theory, and it's only my theory, is that these deaths are caused by some poison put in the water supply. It could be water that was not filtered properly. Could this been done deliberately or by a foreign operative? In short, it's easy to have a chemical poison in the municipal water supply that can kill thousands of people. It could be something that would affect only those who already have some underlying issue. My theory is, that this is the case, as it would raise suspicion if everyone got sick; if everyone died.

Chemists know that certain chemicals added to the public water supply can kill thousand of people. Another substance can be added just to make some people sick, especially if they have a certain underlying health condition – and no one would be the wiser. And this would account for only one person in the household dying.

What the Ecuadorian government should look into is, what is the commmon denominator withh all those that died; what health issues did they have before they died; what was the quality of the water at the time; what section of Guayaquil did this happen?

If the water supply is involved in some way with the deaths in Guayaquil, it explains why different cities or regions don't have it. Of course, this pandemic could be made to look even more real if a poison was put in other municipal water supplies. But with this just happening in Guayaquil, it's very strange indeed if this was caused by a so-called contagious disease.

Psalm 118:5-7 King James Version (KJV)
5 I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place.

6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

7 The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Prior History of the Germ Theory

Prior History of the Germ Theory

If you back into the history of the medical profession and the various ideas regarding the cause of disease that were held by leading physicians before Pasteur first promulgated his notorious "germ theory", you will find convincing evidence that Pasteur discovered nothing, and that he deliberately appropriated, falsified and perverted another man's work.

The 'germ theory', so-called, long antedated Pasteur - so long, in fact, that he was able to present it as new; and he got away with it!

F. Harrison, Principal Professor of Bacteriology at Macdonald College (Faculty of Agriculture, McGill University), Quebec, Canada, wrote an Historical Review of Microbiology, published in Microbiology, a text book, in which he says in part:

"Geronimo Fracastorio (an Italian poet and physician, 1483 - 1553) of Verona, published a work (De Contagionibus et Contagiosis Morbis, et eorum Curatione) in Venice in 1546 which contained the first statement of the true nature of contagion, infection, or disease organisms, and of the modes of transmission of infectious disease. He divided diseases into those which infect by immediate contact, through intermediate agents, and at a distance through the air. Organisms which cause disease, called seminaria contagionum, he supposed to be of the nature of viscous or glutinous matter, similar to the colloidal states of substances described by modern physical chemists. These particles, too small to be seen, were capable of reproduction in appropriate media, and became pathogenic through the action of animal heat. Thus Fracastorio, in the middle of the sixteenth century, gave us an outline of morbid processes in terms of microbiology."

For a book published more than three hundred years before Pasteur 'discovered' the germ theory, this seems to be a most astonishing anticipation of Pasteur's ideas, except that - not having a microscope - Fracastorio apparently did not realize that these substances might be individual living organisms.

According to Harrison, the first compound microscope was made by H. Jansen in 1590 in Holland, but it was not until about 1683 that anything was built of sufficient power to show up bacteria. He continues:

"In the year 1683, Antonius van Leenwenhoek, a Dutch naturalist and a maker of lenses, communicated to the English Royal Society the results of observations which he had made with a simple microscope of his own construction, magnifying from 100 to 150 times. He found in water saliva, dental tartar, etc., what he termed animalcula. He described what he saw, and in his drawings showed both rod-like and spiral form, both of which he said had motility. In all probability, the two species he saw were those now recognized as bacillus buccalis maximus and spirillum sputigenum.

Leenwenhoek's observations were purely objective and in striking contrast with the speculative views of M. A. Plenciz, a Viennese physician, who in 1762 published a germ theory of infectious diseases. Plenciz maintained that there was a special organism by which each infectious disease was produced, that micro-organisms were capable of reproduction outside of the body, and that they might be conveyed from place to place by the air."

Here is Pasteur's great thought in toto - his complete germ theory - and put in print over a century before Pasteur thought of it(?), or published it as his own!

Note how concisely it anticipates all Pasteur's ideas on germs. While there seems to be no proof that Plenciz had a microscope, or knew of Leenwenhoek's animalcula, both are possible, and likely, as he was quite prominent; and he, rather than Pasteur, should have any credit that might come from such a discovery - if the germ theory has any value. This idea, which, to the people of that time at least, must have accounted easily and completely for such strange occurrences as contagion, infection and epidemics, would have been widely discussed in the medical or scientific circles of that time, and in literature available to Pasteur.

That it was widely known is indicated by the fact that the world-famous English nurse, Florence Nightingale, published an attack on the idea in 1860, over 17 years before Pasteur adopted it and claimed it as his own.

She said of 'infection':

Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another.

Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves?

I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.

Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been 'caught', but must have begun.

I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats.

I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.

Would it not be far better, truer, and more practical, if we looked upon disease in this light (for diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives, not noun-substantives):

- True nursing ignores infection, except to prevent it. Cleanliness and fresh air from open windows, with unremitting attention to the patient, are the only defence a true nurse either asks or needs.

- Wise and humane management of the patient is the best safeguard against infection. The greater part of nursing consists of preserving cleanliness.

- The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions."

Here you have Florence Nightingale, one of the most famous nurses in history, after life-long experience with infection, contagion and epidemics, challenging the germ theory 17 years before Pasteur put it forward as his own discovery! (See Ch.8, p.61).

She clearly understood it and its utter fallacy better before 1860 than Pasteur did, either in 1878 or later!

And, to see what a parasite Pasteur was on men who did things, let us digress and go back a few years, to the time when the study of germs was an outgrowth of the study of fermentation.

The Lost History of Medicine

The Lost History of Medicine

The Germ Theory
The Terrain
Germs Do Not Cause Disease
Healthy Terrain
The Clean-Up Crew Within
A Little Chemistry
Secondary Illness
Symptoms of Acidosis
Heart Disease and Alkalinity

Click here to read all the topics listed above.

Protests against lock downs: here they come

Protests against lock downs: here they come

"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion." -- Edmund Burke, 1784.

The Chinese regime broke the ice by imprisoning 50 million people at the start of Operation Fake Pandemic. It sent a signal to the antichrist Communist CDC and World Health Organization that they could command huge imprisonments in other countries.

Well now, in America, a different kind of ice is being broken. The resistance against the imprisonment, against the economic devastation, against the loss of freedom.

The governors of American states are behaving like the governors of the original colonies, taking their orders from a foreign power. In this case, the power is the CDC, the World Health Organization, and by extension, the United Nations, of which the WHO is a branch.

Yes, a bloodless coup has already occurred.

The UN, in particular, has stated in a thousand different ways that it wants the US, and every nation, to bow to a world authority. The current strategy is medical. If climate change didn't do the trick, try another angle.

"This will teach the Americans a lesson."

Americans may have their own lesson to teach.

The last time I looked, Bill Gates hadn't bought off the whole country yet.
The Telegraph, UK, April 16: "Release us!' Anti-lockdown protests break out across America, with some featuring flags and guns"

"Four states see protests with more to come as critics target governors and demand their constitutional rights"

"In Kentucky the protesters chanted 'we want to work' and 'facts over fear'. In Michigan some carried rifles with their US flags as the snow fell."

"There were Trump caps visible among the crowds gathered in Ohio, while in North Carolina a woman led away by the police shouted 'God Bless America'."

"Right across the United States, a country now in its second month of tight restrictions to stem the spread of Covid-19, small but vocal protests have begun to spring up."

"These anti-quarantine gatherings, emerging amid unprecedented surges in unemployment, are happening at state capitals and often targeted at governors."

"The common thread is a demand for orders keeping people at home and businesses shut to be loosened, thereby helping a US economy choked off by the lockdowns."

"Many of the signs and shouts accuse the state governments of overreach - a clue, perhaps, as to why such protests are being seen in America but not yet in Britain."

"Suspicion of big government is deeply rooted in a country born from revolution and a point of pride on the Right, where many of the protests appear to be emanating from."

"It may also reflect frustration voiced by Donald Trump, who has made no secret of his desire to lift restrictions and at times bemoaned scientific advisers pushing social distancing rules."

"On Wednesday the US president was set to share with governors his administration's guidance on how to open back up society after the 'Great Lockdown'."

"In recent days Mr Trump has stuck an upbeat tone, talking of 'light at the end of the tunnel' and saying on Wednesday that America had passed its peak of Covid-19 cases."

"One of the biggest protests occurred in Michigan, whose governor Gretchen Whitmer is a rising star in the Democratic Party and has clashed with Mr Trump in recent weeks."

"Thousands of people descended on the Michigan Capitol in Lansing on Wednesday, many sitting in cars and honking horns in what was dubbed 'Operation Gridlock'."

"One poster read 'hands off our citizens!!!'. Another declared 'I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery'. A third just had two words written: 'Release us!'"

"Some of those present said Ms Whitmer's stay-at-home order was too restrictive, stifling the economy and unfairly undermining personal liberty."

"[A] woman who spent some of the protest waving the stars and stripes from the back of a pick-up truck had been impacted by job losses."

"'Our community is struggling. My husband is on unemployment [benefits] for the first time in our life,' she said. 'We want to go back to work'."

"Michigan has been one of the US states hardest hit by the financial deep-freeze caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with a quarter of the workforce filing for unemployment."

"Right across America record job losses are being recorded. On Thursday it was announced 5.2 million people filed for unemployment benefits last week."

"That takes the four-week total up to 22 million, or around one in eight people working a month ago. It is unlike anything seen since the Great Depression in the 1930s."

"In Kentucky, another Democratic governor, Andy Beshear, was the target of criticism as around 100 protesters voiced their disapproval at the state Capitol in Frankfort."

"They chanted 'open up Kentucky' and 'you're not a king, we won't kiss your ring', sometimes through megaphones, as the governor tried to brief the press on the outbreak..."

---For one of their International Youth days, the United Nations cooked up the slogan, "Change Our World." Through their World Health Organization, they're trying all right. But the phrase is so weak. Maybe I can help them out.

---Workers of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains. Remember that one? Doesn't really gain traction when the first step is firing all the workers from their jobs. There's always Stalin's gem: a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic. No, let's leave Joe and Mao in the dustbin of lunatics. So what else?

I like the simple: LIBERTY.

It ripples. It has waves. Far reaching implications.

Those protestors in Michigan and Kentucky and Ohio and North Carolina. They're peculiar. They're not behaving like robots wearing medical masks. They're acting like... live humans. Humans who are free.

Jon Rappoport

You can find this article and more at

Friday, 17 April 2020

Coronavirus News April 17

Paid Not to Work

click here.

Zombie Economics

click here.

A closer look at 5G (video)
click here.

Pople Francis Goes Full Communist Wants Universal Basic Income

click here.

Professionally made documentary: Out of the Shadows

How Hollywood and media brainwash the public, click here.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Mark of the Beast and the Immunisation Certificate

Mark of the Beast and the Immunisation Certificate

  There have been news coverage of pharmaceutical laboratories coming out with a vaccine for this COVID-19. There are also reports about mandatory vaccination shots, and, if you don't get it you will not be allowed to work, go to public events or even allowed out of your home. I hope that I'm wrong but this is what is on the national news. With that in mind, I thought about “the mark of the beast” and what Revelation says about it.

First, I would like to say that I don't have the links to give you sources of what I'm about to say, as I want to get this out as soon as possible. If you doubt any, just Google the key words on any topic that I speak about and you'll come up with a lot of references.

Revelation 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Bill Gates, who, in effect is the head of the World Health Organisation, said, “The only way to get back to normalcy is if nearly the whole world is vaccinated.” They are his exact words! Therefore, it stands to reason that it will be the rich and poor and anyone in-between. Of course, you know that the rich have ways to get around this.

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

We are told in the newspapers that if you don't have an immunisation certificate, you will not be able to buy or sell. And to get that, you have to have the COVID-19 vaccine.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

There has been a lot of speculation over the past decades as to who this “beast” is but his name apparently totals 666 (by assigning a number to each letter of the alphabet, spelling his name and coming to a total). But I won't go into that here.

Revelation 14:
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

“...who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Could this be the worshipping of those who obey and does everything that the government tells them to? And, this “mark,” be the mark that the vaccine gives you?

The vaccine for the Coronavirus is not just an ordinary vaccination shot, from what we are told, as some say that it will contain two things in addition to the poison that you'll be given:

a microchip
an artificial gene that will be inserted into your DNA

The microchip or something that can be scanned, will contain your whole history, not just your health history. It will also tells the government if you had your latest required vaccination shot.

The artificial gene, so the “scientists” tell us, is that some people's DNA is different and that is why they don't get the Coronavirus. The question is, do you want your DNA changed? I didn't think so.

Revelation 15
15 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

How do you get victory over the beast? One simply way is by not taking the mark and not worshipping him. Many Christians say, “I don't worship the government,” but we know, “Whom you fear is whom you serve,” and isn't there much fear about this Coronavirus being spread by the government?

Revelation 16:
16 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

Could this sore be on those who have the vaccination shot; that there is some reaction to the vial that is going to be poured out? In fact, we know that vaccines, in general leave a grievous sore. This is more than an ordinary sore. If you have read witness reports or horrible effects that vaccinations cause, these people are ruined for life.

Revelation 19:
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

Kings of the Earth are naturally, the political leaders (and probably those who really call the shots that tell them what to do); they will make war against Christ. Then, there are those who received the mark from the beast. Now, what could this mark be but the vaccination shot, specifically, the COVID-19 shot. And this will really leave a mark – a mark into your DNA! What could be more of a mark than this?

What is his image? I don't know, but that might be revealed later. But what person do we see more and more with this Coronavirus? And about this person, do not millions of people adore him because of the business he started? That man being Bill Gates, one of the founders of Microsoft!

Revelation 20
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

So as not to repeat myself, I'll just comment on those who received not his mark on their foreheads or hands. You have seen videos of people being scanned with a body temperature reading device on their foreheads. You have also probably seen people swiping their hand under a machine that scans it. This was started a few years ago with people getting chips in their hands. This sounds like what we read in the book of Revelation.

One thing we know for sure about the “mark of the beast,” that you would neither be able to buy or sell, and this is what some government leaders and Bill Gates is talking about right now. It's a way for them to get conformity without forcing you to take it at gun point. Of course, this gun point might come later on. But this is how the Edomites get things done - by incrementation; this is what they have been doing for hundreds of years to get certain laws passed – by incrementation. So they are doing it with vaccinations.

As for my wife and I, we are not taking the mark of the beast no matter what? What will you do?

20 Masts Set On Fire

20 Masts Set On Fire

People are waking up, they are not going to take it any more it looks like.

Other COVID-19 News

We Will Never Get Back To Normal

Government telling us what we can and can't buy can't buy seeds. 

So, the plan is for them to starve us if we are not completely obedient to them. This is what the Soviet Union did to their people and to the people of the Ukraine (1932/33).

Immunity Certificates

From record purchases of gun and ammo sales last month – being the highest on record – it looks like when the government is going to shoot mercury in the people, the people will be shooting lead into them.

Don't go to grocery store for 2 weeks.

Proof that the government wants to starve you.

Immunity certificates: Your Papers Please

Immunity certificates: Your Papers Please

Enter the dystopian world of "pandemics".

"Your papers, please. You have none? You must go back into the dark."

---Once again, in this article, I step into the world of official gibberish about the epidemic and the virus and tests and so on.  I point out the internal contradictions in the government position.  And then I step back and look at what they're really up to, in the way of a covert operation.

Let's start with the official word on so-called immunity certificates.

POLITICIO, 4/10: "Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks."

"The proposal is contingent upon the widespread deployment of antibody tests which the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration are in the process of validating in the U.S., Fauci said."

"Although coronavirus testing thus far has been able to determine if an individual has an active infection, antibody tests report whether an asymptomatic person was previously infected but has since recovered [and is immune], potentially allowing them to return to their jobs."

Now let's take that POLITICO article apart.

Immunity certificates would be issued to people who test POSITIVE on an antibody test.  Meaning: antibodies in a person's body are a sign that he has gained immunity from the coronavirus.

But wait.  How about this?

Science News, March 27: "Science News spoke with...Charles Cairns, dean of the Drexel University College of Medicine, about how antibody tests work and what are some of the challenges of developing the tests."

"Cairns: 'The big question is: Does a positive response for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past [and are now immune]...?'"


In other words, when you penetrate an inch below the surface, you find there are even official/mainstream doubts, grave doubts about the meaning of a positive antibody test.  It could mean IMMUNE or it could mean INFECTED.

This would be like saying, "The photo either proves there was a sixteen-car wreck on Highway 5 or it was smooth sailing and there was no accident at all."

Actually, since 1984, a positive antibody test has generally been taken to mean the person is infected, has the disease in question.

So why the sudden turnaround now?  Why are Fauci and other government officials claiming that a positive antibody test signals immunity?

Answer: Because, with the widespread use of this simple and quick antibody test (much quicker and easier to perform than the current PCR test), a reason is invented for issuing immunity certificates.  And this is what the goal is.  Introduce the population to immunity certificates.  As a tune-up for the underlying operation, which is:

Immunity certificates for people who eventually receive vaccinations against COVID-19 (and, finally, all vaccines).

Just take the COVID-19 vaccine and you'll be immune and you can carry with you a certificate, wherever you go---and you WILL be allowed to go here and there and live a normal life.  With your paper or digital or tattoo immunity certificate.

Whether the certificate plan will be enacted this time around (COVID-19), or in the next fake pandemic, remains to be seen.  But the IDEA is now firmly planted in the public mind.  You can win a "gold star" on the blackboard from the teacher---your certificate to a better life.  Just obey and follow orders.  TAKE THE VACCINE.

Carrot and stick.  Be free, or be limited.

If, indeed, we see a COVID-19 vaccine introduced, another variation on this operation would be: "Under Emergency regulations, everyone must take the shot."  But when you do, you'll get your very valuable certificate of immunity.  You'll win a prize.  Isn't that wonderful?

No.  It isn't.

It's Corona Bologna.

It's all about CONTROL.

And in this article, I haven't discussed questions about what would actually be IN the COVID-19 vaccine.  I took up that subject in a recent piece about DNA vaccines.  The new DNA technology, if introduced, would PERMANENTLY alter the genetic makeup of the vaccine-recipient.

And meanwhile...don't you just love the idea of the government first locking you up, and then "freeing" you with an official seal of approval?

"The gate is open for you, sir.  You have your papers.  But you, sir, you must go back.  No papers."

Jon Rappoport

You can find this article and more at

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

If Coronavirus is hoax why the cover up?

If Coronavirus is hoax why the cover up?

Many people who don't believe there is a cover up of the coronavirus would say, “Why is it a hoax?” They would also ask, “How do you get 100 plus nations in such a cover up and see their economy crash?” Good questions, so let me answer.

How can so many nations believe it's a hoax? The critics, and that includes people like Mike Adams would say, “It's impossible!”

First, it's not impossible to have 100 nations to go along with a lie. Here are some examples:

  • the belief that the debt expansion/usury based system is the best in the world
  • the belief in evolution
  • the heliocentric model of the universe
  • that democracy is the best form of government

I could give more examples, but it would really 'rattle some people's cages.' But as knowledgable Christians we know for a fact that evolution is a hoax, yet millions of people believe it. Even if there is a sizeable number of their population doesn't believe it, their media, educational system and government say that we came from apes, that the universe is 13 billion years old, etc. They are all in on the hoax of evolution. How? First, it took a long time and a lot of money in the right places to make it 'official' in these countries. Once people are heads of government department or business departments you have to obey your boss or you'll lose your job.

Take the debt based usury system we have around the world today. If you studied this system, you'll see it's a way for the very rich can make money out of thin air and rob from the millions of workers. If you read, for example, “The Federal Reserve Hoax” by Eustace Mullins, you'll get a good understanding. This debt based system creates boom and busts, and puts millions of people in poverty. Yet we have it. One reason why we have it is told in the book “I Was an Economic Hit Man,” by John Perkins. He worked for The World Bank and got heads of states to borrow money that they knew couldn't be paid back (the presidents of countries knew this, too). But why did they borrow the money? First, there is greed; there was millions of dollars in it for certain people in high places. If they refused, they were given a warning. If they still refused, the consequences were:

  • internal revolution
  • wars
  • assassination
  • threat on their family

So, most of them sign on the dotted line which allowed the international banks to take over because the country had to pledge their resources as collateral. Now, this ruins their economies, eventually. You can read this in the above book.

About 99% of the critics of the Coronavirus hoax are mainstream media. But there is a small percentage of alternative media or those who call themselves Patriotic, fall in line with the media – but there numbers are getting smaller with each passing month. Why they believe the mainline media when they don't on all the other issues, I don't know!

Again, the main argument by critics are, “Why would they allow their economy to crash if it was a hoax?” For the same reason that, for example, many South American countries like Argentina is still tied up to the world banking system when they went through inflation, recession and depression in the past – that is why? They either play the game or something happens to them. But now, only if you are an Insider do you rise to the top. So, there is not really all that “arm-twisting” that is needed as in the past. Oh, there are the few, but they are the ones that the US and UK goes to war against – usually using some human rights abuse as an excuse.

So, with the Edomites, as I call them, in positions of power all over the world and heads of different government departments, they are all of the same mindset; they belong to the same inner circles, so they know what is going to pan out next. That is why they have meeting such as in Devos, Switerland each year; why they have other inner circle meetings, too. They admit that they decide what direction the world is going in but they don't tell you the full truth.

Now, it's necessary that you know how Communism started. For history scholars, they know that Communism in the Soviet Union was financed by Kuhn Lobe and Co. in NYC, by M.M. Warburg in Germany, by Rothschild banking in London. In China, Mao got money from the Rockefeller and Rothschild. There is a picture of the rich bankers with Mao – it's no secret. It's just that most people are ignorant of it.

When you study more, you'll see that the Capitalist support Communism. It's just that Communism is a extreme form of Capitalism – trying to squeeze every dollar from the workman. Now, we know that Capitalism controls the wealth of the world – that's agreed by the Left and the Right. So, let me continue.

Now, the driving force of Capitalism are the super rich – not the small and medium size business, not the family run cafe or restaurant down the street. So, these evil people want to put all the small businesses out of business. To outlaw it, would cause a problem for them; there might be a civil war. So they thought of a “pandemic” where people have to be locked up in their homes because of some virus. This, the people will accept – as seen today. But also “non-essential” businesses have to close, too. Now, this is creating great financial harm to the businesses.

Many small businesses only had a small reserve. Those who have more will be open again when the lock down is over but it will only be a matter of a couple of months before they, too, close. Why? Because the people that do go back to work will have to pay off their debt and will only be buying the absolute essentials. Then, there will be millions that have no job to go back to – they will be receiving unemployment which leaves no extra money at all. They will even be short on the essentials.

How does this help the super rich? There be less competition. The businesses that they do want to remain open, they will be able to buy their stocks for 10—20% on the dollar. For example, a cruise line that is owned by competitor that is in the inner circle will be able to buy him out or at least control the company for as little as 10% on the dollar. (This is what happened in the Great Depression of the 1930s.) And that is why a depression has to be created now. This will soon be called the Greatest Depression, for it exceeds the one in the 1930's.

The Elite know that the longer the lock down is, the poorer the people will be and the more bankruptcies, which means less competition.

By creating a “virus” that is “contagious,” and saying the solution to this is a lock down, allows the super rich to crash the economy, thereby getting more control of small businesses or putting them out of business altogether. Look at what Walmart did to thousands of small businesses across America and other countries.

Now, this is only one agenda the super rich have plans for us. Another one is, depopulation.
The UN has as part of their plan, and it's no secret, has what is called “Agenda 21.” Look it up and read what it says. This calls for a reduction of the world population down to, as low as 500 million people! How are they doing to do this? With COVID-19, in part, anyway. In other words, there are “too many useless eaters” as they call us. Look at who is dying mostly? The elderly. Look at the FEMA camps that have gone up. Look at the morgues and crematoriums that they said they are going to build or have built. The cover story will be Coronavirus; they died of Coronavirus and who are we to say anything different when they die is some place that will be a quarantine centre.

Another way to kill people will be by vaccinations. Bill and Melinda Gates and others stand to make billions of dollars from this. People will have to be vaccinated and if they are not, in time, they will be arrest and vaccinated anyway. This will allow the Gates and certain pharmaceutical companies to make billions of dollars before the people die, which meets the goal of Agenda 21.

Finally, the people will be totally controlled as they are in China. No dissension will be allowed; every movement will be monitored; your whole history will be recorded. And, the western world will have what China has now, Social Credit. This is a system where you have to have so many points in order to be allowed to travel and have other pleasures. If you buy too much alcohol for example, it will be recorded that you did and you'll lose points. It matters not that you are having a party and you need to buy this. If you think that I'm stretching this, you are wrong, this is what some people in China was accused of and had some of their Social Credit points taken away.

In short, we would be just like China. So, was it worth it for China to suffer financially? They seem to think so. After all, the goal of Communism is world control. China went into this Coronavirus thing with a huge amount of reserves. They are now open for business and people are back at work.

The future for Europe, North America and the rest of the world will be a lot different after this so-called deadly virus. But it won't last long as this is prophetised in the book of Revelation and Christ will come not with peace but with a sword. And those who believe in Him will reign with Him on Earth.

In conclusion, is a world-wide hoax possible? Yes it is. All you Mike Adam followers better believe it. It has happened with many other hoaxes and with this Coronavirus – the most important one for the Edomites – is happening now. It's the most important one, as all the other lies they told the world leads up to this one where they take total control. But keep in mind, it's only for a short time.

Christ is our fortress.

How People Stop Believing In a Hoax

How People Stop Believing In a Hoax

Here are the ways that people stop believing in a hoax. It includes:

  • touched by the Spirit of God
  • noticing contradictions by government and media
  • noticing that some things just are not logical
  • the media – online and offline – not allowing other opinions
  • when a critic to official belief is called names
  • when it becomes illegal to believe what the other side says, and even having literature about it

When the above happens then that is when some people wake up. Again, I say 'some' people as there are those who will never wake up until it's too late. One way to know that something is covered up is when you do a search on Google and find out that it does not turn up the relevant pages – as they used to years ago.

Are you willing to look at the other side of an issue and make sure that it comes really comes from the other side? If so, then start your own research and pray that you will be lead to the truth.

Monday, 13 April 2020

The World Governments Are In On The Coronavirus Conspiracy

The World Governments Are In On The Coronavirus Conspiracy

There are some people who simply can't believe that the governments of the world would be in on the Coronavirus conspiracy. This includes one person, Mike Adams, who has an alternative media website. He and others who otherwise believe in conspiracies, can not believe that they would go to the extent of this Coronavirus being one of them. The scale of it would simply be too large. Well, I'm here to show otherwise.

What I'm about to present, some might call it circumstantial evidence, but let's  take a look at the facts first.

Back in 1992, the nations of the world all signed onto the United Nations Agenda 21. Basically, what this says is for the NWO to take over all forms of wealth, including land, agriculture, minerals and properties. To have everything run by a few of the largest international corporations. So, they all signed on, which means that they are in agreement with it, and, by extension go along with whatever is needed to implement it.

Now, there is the Coronavirus and the world-wide lock down. As of this writing, most of the world is still in a lock down which is creating millions of poor people. The U.S. Has 17 million people sign on for unemployment in the past three weeks – with more to come! Businesses are going bankrupt; others will soon follow in the coming weeks and months. At this time, about half  the world is in poverty. This is a Depression greater than the Great Depression of the 1930's. What this means is, that few people will own their business, land and even their homes.

So, to crash their economy is not a big thing to the super rich, as those who will be effected are the small and medium size businesses, and the millions of employees people. Also, keep in mind the super rich will get the free money to buy these businesses and land  on the cheap; banks, who create this money out of thin air will be able to take possession of the millions of homes. So, it's not the “Merchants of the Earth” as the Bible calls them, that will suffer, but the millions of working class people. They will be able to buy property for as low as 10% on the dollar, as they did in the 1930's.

In the 1930's it was the super rich bankers who created the depression. They would not have done it if they were going to lose money. What they did, to make a long story short is, they called in all loans and issued no new loans. This is what keeps a debt/usury system going like we have in the world today.

By using this Coronavirus, it enables the Edomites to own what they don't have already. And they are doing it by means that will not wake the people up to see what is going on, as this is blamed on CV. After all, this is a contagious virus that can't be helped. “We have to be lock you down for your own good!”

This Agenda 21, which was started over 25 years ago is no accident that it has that  name. The “21” refers to 2021. Though this is 2020, it will take about another year before the full effects of homelessness and bankruptcies to fully set in. This was no accident; it was planed this way. So, this CV was the means and the plans were to implement it in 2020.

With the nations  of the world that signed  on with Agenda 21, means that they are accomplices to this world-wide grand theft. Naturally, they had to play their part; they had to lie in their respective media outlets; have certain heads of state and a few doctors in each country to lie to the media to say it's real. So, you really don't need all that many people in or the conspiracy.

How many people are needed  to keep a world-wide conspiray like the Coronavirus going? All I can do is venture a guess. On the top end, if you had 100 people in 100 nations, that would be 10,000 people. On the low side, you can have 10 people in key positions in these nations and that would be 1,000 people.

The people in each of these nations would be people like: the President/Prime Minister, the chief medical officer or head of the health department and a few other departments. The rest of the people are told what to do on a “need to know” bases. In other words, they don't have to know the real reason. In fact, the highest up don't have to know. They are just told what to say, when to say it, and who to say it too. The people who work under department heads don't want to lose their job so they just obey orders. As for other nations, the leaders are told to follow what the US, the UK and Japan is doing. And this would make sense to them – “After all, if world leading nations are having a lock down, they must know what they are doing, so we better do the same thing,” as the reasoning goes.

So, not that many people have to know what really is going on. Since people look to the “authorities” for guidance, they too think, “They must know what they are doing.” So, you have a whole nation believing in what they are told.

If you don't know much about Agenda 21, this 20 minute video will help you.

Yes, you doubters, this Coronavirus was planned years ago! It might not had been known exactly how they were going to carry it out back in 1992, but they formulated a plan later to make sure it was carried out on their target date.

Finally, with this Coronavirus, millions of people can be killed and everyone would blame it on this virus while the Satanists get away with it.