Friday 2 October 2020

Stop Equating Fascism With Communism

 Stop Equating Fascism With Communism

Some people who should know better in the alternative media when talking about the current situation, such as covid-19, say things such as: 

  • This is what the Nazis did
  • This is fascism
  • This is what the fascist did

Think about it, it's really stupid and also historically wrong to equate the covid laws with the nazis or fascist. True, they do mention the Communist but more often the equate what is going on today to the big, bad fascists. Well, is that true?

They are wrong for a couple of reasons. If they want to equate what the so-called leaders are doing today, they should equate it to THEMSELVES! Why? Because they are the ones doing it! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. So, if you want to give a label to a political party, give  it to the “great democracy.”

Second, it should be equated to the Communist also – not to the big bad Nazis. Why? Because these lock downs, the contract tracing all start in Communist China – not in Hitler's Germany and not in Mussolini's Italy! 

These rulings, laws etc., about social distancing, tract and trace, face masks is a result of what our Edomite leaders are doing today!

Why is this mislabelling going on? I think it's because it prevents people looking to the laws of another nation that created a better society than what we have today. And since the NS and Fascism is the opposite of what  democracy and Communism and NOT it's twin brother, that is the reason. It's all part of 'controlled opposition'!

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