Wednesday 15 April 2020

How People Stop Believing In a Hoax

How People Stop Believing In a Hoax

Here are the ways that people stop believing in a hoax. It includes:

  • touched by the Spirit of God
  • noticing contradictions by government and media
  • noticing that some things just are not logical
  • the media – online and offline – not allowing other opinions
  • when a critic to official belief is called names
  • when it becomes illegal to believe what the other side says, and even having literature about it

When the above happens then that is when some people wake up. Again, I say 'some' people as there are those who will never wake up until it's too late. One way to know that something is covered up is when you do a search on Google and find out that it does not turn up the relevant pages – as they used to years ago.

Are you willing to look at the other side of an issue and make sure that it comes really comes from the other side? If so, then start your own research and pray that you will be lead to the truth.

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