Monday 13 April 2020

The World Governments Are In On The Coronavirus Conspiracy

The World Governments Are In On The Coronavirus Conspiracy

There are some people who simply can't believe that the governments of the world would be in on the Coronavirus conspiracy. This includes one person, Mike Adams, who has an alternative media website. He and others who otherwise believe in conspiracies, can not believe that they would go to the extent of this Coronavirus being one of them. The scale of it would simply be too large. Well, I'm here to show otherwise.

What I'm about to present, some might call it circumstantial evidence, but let's  take a look at the facts first.

Back in 1992, the nations of the world all signed onto the United Nations Agenda 21. Basically, what this says is for the NWO to take over all forms of wealth, including land, agriculture, minerals and properties. To have everything run by a few of the largest international corporations. So, they all signed on, which means that they are in agreement with it, and, by extension go along with whatever is needed to implement it.

Now, there is the Coronavirus and the world-wide lock down. As of this writing, most of the world is still in a lock down which is creating millions of poor people. The U.S. Has 17 million people sign on for unemployment in the past three weeks – with more to come! Businesses are going bankrupt; others will soon follow in the coming weeks and months. At this time, about half  the world is in poverty. This is a Depression greater than the Great Depression of the 1930's. What this means is, that few people will own their business, land and even their homes.

So, to crash their economy is not a big thing to the super rich, as those who will be effected are the small and medium size businesses, and the millions of employees people. Also, keep in mind the super rich will get the free money to buy these businesses and land  on the cheap; banks, who create this money out of thin air will be able to take possession of the millions of homes. So, it's not the “Merchants of the Earth” as the Bible calls them, that will suffer, but the millions of working class people. They will be able to buy property for as low as 10% on the dollar, as they did in the 1930's.

In the 1930's it was the super rich bankers who created the depression. They would not have done it if they were going to lose money. What they did, to make a long story short is, they called in all loans and issued no new loans. This is what keeps a debt/usury system going like we have in the world today.

By using this Coronavirus, it enables the Edomites to own what they don't have already. And they are doing it by means that will not wake the people up to see what is going on, as this is blamed on CV. After all, this is a contagious virus that can't be helped. “We have to be lock you down for your own good!”

This Agenda 21, which was started over 25 years ago is no accident that it has that  name. The “21” refers to 2021. Though this is 2020, it will take about another year before the full effects of homelessness and bankruptcies to fully set in. This was no accident; it was planed this way. So, this CV was the means and the plans were to implement it in 2020.

With the nations  of the world that signed  on with Agenda 21, means that they are accomplices to this world-wide grand theft. Naturally, they had to play their part; they had to lie in their respective media outlets; have certain heads of state and a few doctors in each country to lie to the media to say it's real. So, you really don't need all that many people in or the conspiracy.

How many people are needed  to keep a world-wide conspiray like the Coronavirus going? All I can do is venture a guess. On the top end, if you had 100 people in 100 nations, that would be 10,000 people. On the low side, you can have 10 people in key positions in these nations and that would be 1,000 people.

The people in each of these nations would be people like: the President/Prime Minister, the chief medical officer or head of the health department and a few other departments. The rest of the people are told what to do on a “need to know” bases. In other words, they don't have to know the real reason. In fact, the highest up don't have to know. They are just told what to say, when to say it, and who to say it too. The people who work under department heads don't want to lose their job so they just obey orders. As for other nations, the leaders are told to follow what the US, the UK and Japan is doing. And this would make sense to them – “After all, if world leading nations are having a lock down, they must know what they are doing, so we better do the same thing,” as the reasoning goes.

So, not that many people have to know what really is going on. Since people look to the “authorities” for guidance, they too think, “They must know what they are doing.” So, you have a whole nation believing in what they are told.

If you don't know much about Agenda 21, this 20 minute video will help you.

Yes, you doubters, this Coronavirus was planned years ago! It might not had been known exactly how they were going to carry it out back in 1992, but they formulated a plan later to make sure it was carried out on their target date.

Finally, with this Coronavirus, millions of people can be killed and everyone would blame it on this virus while the Satanists get away with it.

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