Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Turn The Economy Back On!

Turn The Economy Back On!

Source: nomorefakenews.com


If I could reach through my screen and physically shake people with this news, I would.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US front man for managing the "pandemic," has just written an article that ought to be titled: I WAS WRONG AND THIS IS MY CONFESSION.

Fauci, New England Journal of Medicine, March 26, "Covid-19 -- Navigating the Uncharted":

"If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)..."

In case there is any doubt, those "pandemic influenza seasons" of 1957 and 1968 did NOT result in any lockdowns. People went outdoors. They mingled. They sat in stadiums. They went to their jobs.


Unfortunately, no surprise, the major media are still highlighting fear, so it's up to people to spread this message in any and every way they can: TIME TO GO BACK TO WORK. TURN ON THE ECONOMY.

When the man in charge of an unprecedented global operation says the product he was selling was defective, when he admits the whole basis for it was over-promoted...that is gigantic. Don't expect Fauci to apologize abjectly and lie down in the street and let a steamroller flatten him. Understand? This is as good as it'll get. Don't wait for anything more.

You're already on your computer. Get out the message. TURN THE ECONOMY BACK ON NOW.

In case you haven't noticed, major media have been shoving the devastating economic effects of the global lockdowns into the background. They aren't leading their daily coverage with people's lives being destroyed. They're pushing case numbers and new COVID horror stories. This is not an accident. This is conscious policy. Network bosses have sent down the word. Don't emphasize the economic human wreckage. Instead, it's: we'll all get through this, we're all in this together. Here are seven steps you can take when you're washing your hands. It's robot city.

Monday, 30 March 2020

What would you do if you can no longer afford food?

What would you do if you can no longer afford food?

Here are what some Italian are doing. Your chances with Corona Virus is 0.12%; your chances of starving without food is 100%. The choice is clear!

Click Here

Covid-19 Symptoms Matches Zinc Deficiency

Covid-19 Symptoms Matches Zinc Deficiency

Major Signs & Symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus Cases Match Evidences Of Zinc Deficiency

By Bill Sardi

March 30, 2020

Physicians who diagnose cases of COVID-19 coronavirus illness get a quick sense of whether the patient is on track to develop the deadly form of coronavirus pneumonia.  The most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and flu-like symptoms.

But modern medicine is so steeped in its pharmacy of prescription drugs, with its blinders toward nutritional medicine, that it can’t see the obvious evidences of a trace mineral deficiency that results in the same signs and symptoms produced by COVID-19 coronavirus.

An emergency room physician in New Orleans shares an account of his experience with this dreaded pathogenic virus.   He writes: “You can literally watch it happen in a matter of hours.”  Some 70-90% of hospitalized patients who have to be placed on a ventilator die.

As I read through this doctor’s account of how he goes about making a quick assessment of the severity of the patient’s lung disease, all of its common signs and symptoms I quickly realized are signs of zinc deficiency.  A chart provided below makes the comparison.  All 18 coronavirus symptoms and signs point to zinc deficiency.

New Covd-19 Laws in Moscow

New Covd-19 Laws in Moscow

Muscovites Caught Having Barbecues & Enjoying Life. Now They Need QR-Codes to Go Outside

Could this come to your country? How long will people take it before the literally fight back? If people are pushed too far; if people don't have enough to live on, how long will they submit?
"When obeying the law is more painful than breaking the law, that is when people will rebel!"

Click Here

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Deserted Cities

Deserted Cities World-wide

So, we ruin people's lives and businesses for this Corona Virus? Is it worth it? To some, the extremely rich, it is.

IF Corona Virus is a hoax why are the deaths going up?

IF Corona Virus is a hoax why are the deaths going up?

Yes, we hear that those who contracted the virus and those who died has gone up – way up. As of this writing Spain had over 800 deaths in the past day with the total being 5,550. So, how can this be a hoax?

Many people say it's because of the following:

  • these are people who really died of influenza, which happens each year, but added to Corona Virus
  • those who would have lived were given antiviral drugs, and if they are already sick and have major health issues, the death is always attributed to the Corona Virus
  • the numbers are just fudged

“Figures don't lie, but liars do figure.” Mark Twain

In the US, a couple of years ago, the annual death by some type of flu was 57,000. The symptoms are the same as CV. So, it's easy to transfer a small number of deaths from pneumonia, for example, to CV.

So, can you imagine if every death is put before the people of those who died from the influenza and talked about? It would make what is report now, seem low. What about deaths from heart disease? Do we hear a blow-by-blow numbers given each day? NO!

We do know that most people who die are elderly who also have many illnesses. Naturally, they are going to die. BUT if the government says it's contagious – which it isn't – people are willing to be locked down. As a side note, if CV was so contagious, you would not have anyone healthy enough to work in hospital day after day and not get sick! This should tell you something.

Many of the drugs these poor people are given have side-effects. The average drug has side effects – just read about drugs you have in your home now or what the average elderly person takes. Some side-effects are, believe it or not DEATH!

Finally, the numbers could just be fudged. If you don't believe the government on other issues; if you know that they lied in the past (Saddam Hussain with weapons of mass destruction, as an example), why do you believe them now?

I've seen a room full of caskets but I haven't seen a mass of dead bodies. Why not show them? Don't say this would be too squeamish for views; look at all the other pictures they showed in the past? Look at the piles dead bodies of German that were killed in WWII. So, the government should show the bodies, then they would get doubters to believe. Or, could it be that there's not even 100 dead bodies to show?

Commentary: Corona Virus Regulations

Commentary: Corona Virus Regulations

Here are my thoughts of the Corona Virus and recent government actions in the UK. There has been some restrictions added this week which don't make sense – even if you believe in little virus that can go around and kill people. So, taking a look at the restrictions from this perspective, let's see if they make sense.

Social Distancing

We are told to stay two metres away from each other. The other day I was standing in a queue (line) waiting to get inside a bakery. All across the nation there are long queues. Well, how will this help if you are down-wind from someone? No matter where you stand, the wind can shift where you are down wind.

Driving Your Dog to a Park

Some people were stopped because they were taking their dog to a park for a walk. Under current regulations, you are allowed to take a walk yourself or take your dog for a walk. You are allowed to walk your dog but you can't go to a park with your dog and do your walking there – just people are allowed to go to park. The only exception is if you live near a park and walk your dog there.

A policeman said that there is no reason to drive your dog to a park. Now, what sense does that make even under their regulations? Are you not isolate when driving? When you go to a park, are you still not isolated (provided you keep your distance)? Of course you are. In fact, they are better off then walking their dog in the city where they live, as it's much harder to keep your distance there.

Electronic Shops Closed

In the UK non-essential shops are to remain closed. Specifically, pointed out were clothes shops and electronic shops. Now, with people who were told to work at home if possible, they need computers, printers, attachments, etc.

People who work from home, means, for the most part, that they will need their computers. What happens when they need it repaired? What if they have to print out something and they need toner? They might not have an iPhone and need one now that they are working from home. Some people might no have a laptop but need one now, where do they get it?

From Amazon, of course! Well, what about your small independent businessman? This whole plan could be to give more business to Amazon and close down their competition. IF government was interested in helping small businesses they would allow computer shops and iPhone stores to remain open.

From the NHS in the UK

The NHS (UK's national health service) said that there are only four reasons to leave home. They are:

1 Basic shopping such as for food and medicine and this should be infrequent as possible.

2 One form of exercise a day.
Now, this is stupid. You mean you can't combine walking then taking a bicycle ride? According to them, no.

3 Any medical need or to provide care or help to the vulnerable.
OK, fine.

4 Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely can cannot be done from home.
OK, fine.

Then, underneath this is this notice:
These 4 reasons are exceptions – even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home and ensuring you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of your household.

What logic is there that you should be minimising the time outside your home? What if someone just walks a couple of blocks and returns home? And you compare this to someone who jogs for an hour. This takes much longer than a walk around the block, but this OK. So, the time outside varies. YET, they say to minimise your time outside. And, why should you minimise your time outside if you remain 2 metres apart? Also, fresh air is good for your health, along with the sunshine that you get and the good psychological feeling being out doors. It looks like their lock down is to harm you, not help you. And what about spending as long as you want in your own yard? This is not minimising your time out doors but what harm can there be?

Finally, the whole purpose of this lock down is to contain the virus, right? Well, the NHS asked for volunteers to help out with such things as: going to the chemist for those who can't get out, doing shopping for others, among other things. They were looking for about 250,000 people. 700,00+ signed up! So, when these people have contact with others, including in their homes and at hospital they could “catch the virus,” but that doesn't seem to bother the NHS, the UK government nor the people volunteering. So, what's the problem?

If this Corona Virus is so dangerous, so contagious, then there would not be on person well enough to work in hospitals around the country (around the world, too). These people go to work day in and day out; they work many hours a day. Then, they go home to their family and they don't seem to get it. So, why the lock down when those most exposed (hospital workers) go home to their family. Keep in mind that there are many people still working. If this was really a contagious disease, the whole world would have it now; 10's of millions would already be dead but this is not the case.

When these hospital works take off their protective gear, they have to touch the outside of it. When they walk around to the rooms, they are much closer than 2 metres apart; they breath the same air; the droplet of water that contain the virus are on their clothes, skin and hair, yet they are fine. Many of them work 12 hour days seven days a week. With all that in mind, the government wants to restrict us from going to work, from being outside (for the wrong reasons [as if viruses can determine if you are going out for the wrong reason and do you harm]) for being closer than two metres apart.

Keep in mind many hospital workers have nothing more than a cheap mask, a plastic drape on and latex cloves – and this will give you protection from a virus that we are told are as small as 30 nanometres!

Do you see the con in all this? Do you see the hoax? Perhaps you are thinking they have an agenda – and you are right, they do!

You are being conned! Wake up!

History Of Vaccination

                    History Of Vaccination

The first smallpox vaccine was conceptualized in 1796. Since that time,
vaccination has been rife with controversy. Let’s review what writers, doctors,
and scientists have observed about vaccines across three centuries—19th, 20th,
and 21st.

19TH CENTURY (1800s)

“There does not exist one single fact, in all the experiments and improvements
made in science, which can support the idea of vaccination. A vaccinated people
will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.” —Dr. Alexander
Wilder, MD, “Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy”, editor of the New York Medical
Tribune, 1879

“I have seen leprosy and syphilis communicated by vaccination. Leprosy is
becoming very common in Trinidad; its increase being coincident with
vaccination.” —Dr. Hall Bakewell, Vaccinator General of Trinidad, 1868

“Cancer is reported to be increasing not only in England and the Continent, but
in all parts of the world where vaccination is practised.” —Dr. William S. Tebb,
MA, MD, DPH, “The Increase of Cancer”, 1892

“Leprosy arose with vaccination.” —Sir Ronald Martin, MD, 1868

"Syphilis has undoubtedly been transmitted by vaccination." —Sir William Osier

“To no medium of transmission is the widespread dissemination of this class of
disease (syphilis) so largely indebted as to Vaccination.” —Dr. B.F. Cornell, MD, 1868

“Every intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will find
abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the advocates
of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading a line of anti¬
vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the suppressed facts, we
would have a mass of evidence before which no vaccinator would dare to hold
up his head.”—Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”,

“I have no faith in vaccination, nay, I look upon it with greatest disgust, and
firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and
loathsome diseases from one child to another, and it is no protection from
smallpox." —Dr. William Collins, MD, London, 1882

“Vaccination has made murder legal. Vaccination does not protect against
smallpox, but is followed by blindness and scrofula. Jennerism is the most
colossal humbug which the human race has been burdened with by FRAUD and
DECEIT.” —Mr. Mitchell, member of the British House of Commons

“Of these dogmas, 1 believe the practice known as vaccination to be the most
absurd and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been
protected from smallpox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and
even deaths, have resulted from its employment. The whole theory is founded
upon assumption, contrary to common sense and entirely opposed to all known
principles of physiology. Every physician of experience, has met with numerous
cases of cutaneous eruptions, erysipelas and syphilis, which were directly
traceable to vaccination, and if these cases could be collected and presented in
one report, they would form a more terrible picture than the worst that has ever
been drawn of the horrors of smallpox.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, Dean of the
United States Medical College of New York

"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance;
and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine...Believe
not in vaccination, it is a worldwide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal
superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without
end.” —Dr. Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of
Perugia, Italy, 1896

“Vaccination is a grotesque superstition." —Dr. Charles Creighton, MD, MA

“Vaccination is a gigantic delusion. It has never saved a single life. It has been
the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly
needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the
coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age,
and its penal enforcement the foulest blot.” — Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL.,
DCL OXON., FRS, etc., 1898

20TH CENTURY (1900s)

“The great epidemics of deadly diseases, in animals and mankind, are caused by
vaccination.” —Charles M. Higgins, “The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and
Illustrated”, 1920

“1 believe vaccination has been the greatest delusion that has ensnared mankind
in the last three centuries. It originated in FRAUD, ignorance and error. It is
unscientific and impracticable. It has been promotive of very great evil, and I
cannot accredit it any good." —Dr. R. K. Noyse, MD, Resident Surgeon of the
Boston City Hospital, “Self Curability of Disease”

“The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been
vaccination.” —Dr. Robert Bell; Vice President, International Society for Cancer
Research, British Cancer Hospital, 1922

“Vaccination is the most outrageous insult that can be offered to any pure-
minded man or woman. It is the boldest and most impious attempt to mar the
works of God that has been attempted for ages. The stupid blunder of doctor-
craft has wrought all the evil that it ought, and it is time that free American
citizens arise in their might and blot out the whole blood poisoning business.” —
Dr. J.M. Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, “Vaccination: A Curse and Menace to Personal
Liberty”, 1900

“Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be
introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an
unvaccinated person.” —Dr. W.B. Clark, MD, Indiana, New York Times article,

“At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the
law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the
extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are
now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.” —George Bernard Shaw, 1944

“The English Ministry of Health omits to state that in 1872, when 85% of the
infants born were vaccinated, there were 19,000 deaths from smallpox in
England and Wales. While in 1925, when less than half the children born were
vaccinated, there were only 6 deaths from that disease.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean,
PhD, ND, “The Poisoned Needle”, 1957

“Vaccination causes miscarriage. A careful check showed that 47% of women
who had been vaccinated in the second or third month of pregnancy, failed to
give birth to a normal child." — "Vaccination at Work”, The Consulting
Pediatrician of Lanarkshire County Council, The Lancet (London), p.47,
December 6, 1952

"My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering
than anything I could name." —Dr. Harry R. Bybee

“Vaccination, instead of being the promised blessing to the world, has proved to
be a curse of such sweeping devastation that it has caused more death and
disease than war, pestilence, and plague combined. There is no scourge (with the
possible exception of atomic radiation) that is more destructive to our nation’s
health than this monument of human deception—this slayer of the innocent—
this crippler of body and brain—the poisoned needle.” —Dr. Eleanor McBean,
PhD, ND, “The Poisoned Needle”, 1957

“The greatest LIE ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.”—Dr.

Leonard Horowitz, MPH (Master of Public Health), DMD, MA, Harvard
University graduate

21ST CENTURY (2000s)

“The entire vaccine program is based on massive FRAUD.”—Dr. Russell L.
Blaylock, M.D., neurosurgeon, editorial staff of Journal of American Physicians
and Surgeons

"Vaccinations do not work. They don’t work at all.” —Dr. Lorraine Day, MD

“Vaccinations are now carried out for purely commercial reasons because they
fetch huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no scientific evidence
that vaccinations are of any benefit.” —Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD,
“Vaccination: A business based on FEAR”

“Don’t get your flu shot.” —Dr. Raymond Francis, D.Sc., M.Sc., RNC, chemist,
MIT graduate

“My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and WORTHLESS. I will not
allow myself to be vaccinated again. Vaccines may be profitable but in my view,
they are neither safe nor effective.” -Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc (Hon)

"Everyone who is vaccinated is vaccine injured—whether it shows up right away
or later in life." —Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., PhD, Fellow of the
World Health Organization, former senior scientist at Health Canada

“The pediatrician indoctrinates your child from birth into a lifelong dependency
on medical intervention. The first stage of indoctrination is the ‘well-baby’ visit.
The well-baby visit is a cherished ritual of the pediatrician that enhances their
income and does nothing constructive for your child. It’s a worthless visit.” —
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, board certified pediatrician

“Vaccines are the backbone of the entire Pharmaceutical Industry. If they can
make these children sick from a very early age, they become customers for life.
The money isn’t really to be made in the vaccine industry. The money is made
by Big Pharma with all of the drugs that are given to treat and address all of the
illnesses that are subsequent to the side effects of vaccines.”—Dr. Sherri
Tenpenny, D.O. (osteopathic medical doctor)

“Studies are increasingly pointing to the conclusion that vaccines represent a
dangerous assault to the immune system leading to autoimmune diseases like
Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Juvenile Onset Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, and Cystic
Fibrosis, as well as previously rare disorders like brain cancer, SIDS (Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome), childhood leukemia, autism, and asthma.”—Dr. Zoltan

Rona, MD, “Natural Alternatives to Vaccination”

“The vaccine industry is itself a FRAUD. I spent my whole career studying
vaccines.”—Dr. Shiv Chopra, B.V.S., A.H., M.Sc., Ph.D., Fellow of the World
Health Organization, “Corrupt to the Core”

Fatality Rates At Least 10 Fold Lower Than Estimates

Stanford Professor States Fatality Rates At Least 10 Fold Lower Than Estimates


No matter where you look — social media, TV, radio or streaming services — the predictions for deaths due to COVID-19 are dire. If the numbers are correct, then millions upon millions of people are destined to die before the pandemic is over.

But are these dire death predictions on-track? According to an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, they’re not only grossly inflated, but biased in the way prognosticators are configuring the numbers. “The true fatality rate is the portion of those infected who die, not the deaths from identified positive cases,” the authors argue:

“The latter rate is misleading because of selection bias in testing. The degree of bias is uncertain because available data are limited. But it could make the difference between an epidemic that kills 20,000 and one that kills two million.

If the number of actual infections is much larger than the number of cases—orders of magnitude larger—then the true fatality rate is much lower as well. That’s not only plausible but likely based on what we know so far.”

Of course, as shutdowns in the U.S. and around the world continue, the true numbers won’t be known until all this is over. In the meantime, one thing is certain: Health officials seem to be way more concerned about COVID-19 than they have been about other diseases that have had solid, known epidemic numbers for years. For example:

Opioid overdoses claim more than 130 people per day. If nothing else this is tantamount to mass homicide, and governments, health agencies and even insurance companies are complicit in this epidemic. Yet, aside from a bit of hand-wringing and lawsuits brought on by various state attorneys general, there are no panicked calls to shut down life as we know it to stop these deaths and address them head-on.

Obesity is an epidemic in the U.S. and in many countries worldwide, yet there’s been no clarion call for the causes of this epidemic — processed foods and fast food fare — to be rationed, scaled back or replaced with whole, fresh foods options in every store in every community.

Obesity is rooted in inappropriate food choices but, unfortunately, the food industry has been permitted to confuse the issue by shifting the focus and discussion to exercise and faux fixes like low-fat options, completely omitting the importance of your specific food choices. What’s worse, the massive shutdowns with coronavirus are steering people to — you guessed it — the very foods that are killing them slowly.

Medical mistakes kill nearly a half-million people every year. That’s an epidemic that practically no one talks about. Yet, each day more than 40,000 are harmed with a lethal medical error, while governments and health officials stew about what to do about the epidemic of patients harmed by their health “care.”

Interestingly, since some of the top ways patients are injured are through hospital-acquired infections that can lead to death, it’s ironic that the thing health leaders are now concerned about is a viral infection that can lead to death.

This isn’t to say that COVID-19 isn’t something to fear. But, like The Wall Street Journal’s writers point out, it is quite possible that “A universal quarantine may not be worth the costs it imposes on the economy, community and individual mental and physical health” and that statisticians should be called upon to “evaluate the empirical basis of the current lockdowns.”

Friday, 27 March 2020

12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

Think about what these 12 experts say about the Corona Virus and do your own research.

by Tyler Durden

Wed. 03/25/2020

Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

What he says:

We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.

[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.

All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.

For  the rest of the article, Click Here

Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn't they lie now?

Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn't they lie now?

by Jon Rappoport

In a recent article, I accepted public health stats on ordinary flu and COV, and showed the insane contradictions in numbers and in government containment strategies.

In this article, I take another angle.  The CDC has been lying about ordinary flu for decades.  So why wouldn't they continue their fine tradition of lying about COV?  Why should you believe ANYTHING they say about COV?  Why should you accept their case numbers, their ominous warnings, their insistence on lock downs which wreck economies?

Click Here for the rest of the article.

Germs Do Not Cause Disease

Germs Do Not Cause Disease

The Germ Theory
The Terrain
Germs Do Not Cause Disease
Healthy Terrain
The Clean-Up Crew Within
A Little Chemistry
Secondary Illness
Symptoms of Acidosis
Heart Disease and Alkalinity 

One of the best books ever to have been recommended to me is called Sick and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, by Dr Robert Young (no relationship to the actor) and his wife, Shelly. I recommend this book more than any other we’ve ever touched upon at this web site. And I’ll tell you why as I go along here.

I’ve always had suspicions that, no matter what our research here has uncovered, there was still something missing. All too often we'd come across something that has no historical perspective. Take Roy Rife: his work came, it would seem, from nowhere, and after his research was destroyed, it went nowhere. Then there is Gaston Naessens. We’ve talked about his cure for cancer called 714X, but his work with somatids, again, had no apparent historical perspective. His discovery comes from nowhere, and goes nowhere as medicine refused to accept his theories, even though they are well documented with slides, movies, and even a multimedia show.

With the discovery of Sick and Tired, I finally discovered the missing link. Dr Young shows us a history that has been wiped out of our medical texts and wiped out for a good reason. If we were to acknowledge these lost discoveries, everything we know about medicine today would topple.

It is our intention to display for you objective scientific research that has been ignored, covered up, and abandoned by those who profit from your being ill.

Despite a system that treats symptoms only, kills 3 to 6 thousand people weekly, cures one thing only to cause another, conventional medicine is still very popular. Why? Because it is based upon religious tenets and not upon science. (See Modern Medicine: The New World Religion) And, as we'll mention once more in this newsletter, modern conventional medicine is popular because it works instantly; you take a pill, and the pain is gone. How much more wonderful could that be?

Click Here for the full article.

Post Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory

Post Antibiotic Age: Germ Theory

It was great while it lasted: the age of antibiotics. Sure came and went in a hurry, though, didn't it? Left me with a few questions:

How did antibiotics run their course already in just 50 years?
How did we get so sick?
Where does all the money go?
Why aren't we making any progress?
What's going to happen now?

These are the questions for which you can almost never get a straight answer. Unless you look beyond Newsweek, beyond the San Francisco Chronicle, beyond 20/20, or Ted Turner, beyond the media which year by year seem to cater to an ever-dwindling level of literacy and awareness...

Questions like these involve some famous people: Pasteur, Bechamp, Koch, Bernard, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Fleming, all of whom we'll mention. But before we launch off into all that, let's turn back the clock for a moment and go back to 1350 A.D. Place: the European continent.

Click Here for the 22 page report.

Germ Theory and Depopulation

Germ Theory and Depopulation

by Jon Rappoport

I want to straighten out the thinking of many people who look at germs as the primary vehicle for reducing the global population. These are the people who continue to say, against all evidence, that the "pandemics" of the last few decades stemmed from deadly bio-engineered germs launched to kill massive numbers of people.

First and foremost, the "pandemics" were duds. West Nile, SARS, bird flu, swine flu. Even overblown estimates of swine flu deaths, worldwide, eventually settled in at about 20,000.

By comparison, according to the same organization that pegged the swine flu death total, the World Health Organization (WHO), annual deaths from ordinary non-pandemic seasonal flu range from 300,000 to 500,000.

Odd that swine flu is called a pandemic, while ordinary flu is ignored! Odd? Absurd.

In the spring of 2009, as documented by Peter Doshi in the BMJ, two very curious things happened at WHO: with only 20 confirmed cases of swine flu, that's 20, WHO declared swine flu a level-6 pandemic, which is the highest threat level possible; and at the same time, in Orwellian fashion, WHO revised its definition of "level-6 pandemic," so that it no longer required severe devastation and large numbers of deaths. WHO could declare a germ was a horrible global threat, regardless of whether it was causing any real harm.

If that doesn't raise red flags, nothing will. Swine flu was a PROPAGANDA OPERATION, plain and simple, aimed at scaring populations and driving them to get vaccines. That was the op. And it failed. In fact, the op was exposed (by yours truly and others) as a sham and a con. Millions of people online caught on. It was a devastating defeat for WHO, the CDC, and the medical cartel.

Let's go deeper. In general, so-called contagious diseases are caused, not by germs, but by IMMUNE SYSTEMS THAT ARE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT OFF THOSE GERMS.

When we put the cart and the horse in proper alignment, things become clear. I fully realize this isn't as sexy as talking about bio-engineered gene sequences in viruses, but the cart and horse must be understood.


What do they cover up?

The fact that immune systems are the more basic target for depopulation and debilitation of populations.

In a recent piece, I went over this situation vis-a-vis Third World countries, where contaminated water supplies, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, severe malnutrition and starvation, stolen fertile land, and Western medicines and vaccines are the real vectors that attack and destroy the immune system on a chronic basis---thereby enabling MANY germs, OTHERWISE HARMLESS, to continually cause deadly infections.

But 30 years ago, it appeared that a new germ had come on the scene, a germ which was, in fact, attacking the immune system directly and lethally. HIV.

In my first book, AIDS INC. (1988), I explored the research behind HIV. The bogus, incompetent, ego-driven, misapplied, intentionally false research. The research that made HIV the most feared germ in human history.

I showed there was absolutely no reason to believe that HIV was mounting any attack on immune systems. I showed that the tests for the presence of HIV were completely unreliable and misleading, and the drugs to treat HIV were killers. (Sounds like today with the Corona Virus!)

This was an important undertaking, because with HIV, the whole notion of the germ theory of disease had escalated to new heights. A single germ was being blamed for immune suppression, from New York to Kampala.

With more laypeople and researchers becoming aware of the centrality of the germ-conquering natural immune system, the medical cartel played a trump card:



That was their play. That was their game. That was their LIE. Actually, HIV wasn't destroying or harming a single immune system on the planet, lies work when you have a whole propaganda system at your disposal.

The cartel had to cut off other competing theories that could move to center stage. The most important of these theories would focus on the immune system and how to strengthen it NATURALLY. This is an area in which the medical cartel has zero answers.

THIS is why the medical cartel is at war with natural health, which does have answers for building immune systems. THIS is why the FDA, a rogue criminal agency, is relentlessly attacking nutritional supplements, which can improve immune function. THIS is why the Codex group is making war against natural health. THIS is why WHO and the CDC must continue to invent and promote fake pandemics "caused by germs." THEY ARE DEFENDING THEIR TURF BY ALL MEANS AVAILABLE.

This turf is founded on the central lie of germ-caused disease. The lie must be presented as truth. It must be told over and over again, in larger terms, in more frightening terms.

We have this pandemic. We have that pandemic. We have anther pandemic. Germs, germs, germs. Their propaganda.

Some years ago, I was invited to speak at a conference about my medical investigations. I talked about bird flu and SARS as phony epidemics. I spoke about the need to focus on the immune system and how to strengthen it. I noticed a preponderance of very fat people in the crowd. On their desks, they had full spreads of McDonalds and giant containers of Coke.

When the Q&A period came, they began peppering me with questions about all sorts of exotic and covert bio-weapons that might be in use and aimed at the population. I readily acknowledged that a few of these were out there. But I also stressed the importance of building strong immune systems.

My message began to get through, but judging by the squeamish expressions on the faces of the attendees, it wasn't happy smiley message.

Is it possible to design various weapons that can sneak in under the immune system's radar? Yes. Does this mean there is no need to understand what the medical cartel is really doing, day after, year after year, as the bodies pile up? Does this mean one should forget about trying to create a stronger immune system, since it might not be useful against certain exotic strategies? No.

Do you want to know the primary medical weapon that can, in fact, sneak in under the radar of the immune system?

The weapon that is hidden in plain view?

It's vaccines. I'm not talking about strange biowar-engineered vaccines planted with super-secret elements.

I'm talking about run-of-the-mill every-day vaccines that are used across the world.

Because they are injected directly into the body, they bypass a number of normal layers of the body's immune-defense system. They get into the bloodstream. Some of them cross the blood-brain barrier.

Now you are talking about a whole different scenario. This isn't germs floating in the air or inherently existing in the body. This is a medical artifact, based on completely false science, whose effects are considerable and powerful, precisely because the route is injection.

Germs are injected. Chemicals are injected. Contaminated debris is injected.

A conspiracy doesn't have to be extraordinarily arcane, complex, and super-secret to be devastating.

It can be, but it doesn't have to be.

Some people are so enamored of the arcane, complex, and super-secret that they don't care about the truth that is staring at them from across the table.

I'll tell you something arcane and complex: the psychology by which the bigger and bigger and bigger lies, told right out in the open, are swallowed or ignored. This is a VERY interesting field of study, and I've been studying it ever since I wrote AIDS INC. in 1988. I had to.

Speaking as a reporter, it's fascinating when you absolutely have the goods and deliver mind-boggling stories and revelations, when you think THIS IS IT, when you know this will torpedo the corrupt system down to its core...it's fascinating to watch the response of blank faces.

I wish this experience for all of you. It's tremendously instructive. It tells you so much more about mind control than all the hidden information about CIA MKULTRA. It tells you much about the human mind.

It's why I decided to devote a great deal of time to investigating what has come to be called The Matrix. Now THAT'S complex.


Thursday, 26 March 2020

We Face the Mother of all Depressions

"We Face the Mother of all Depressions"

We are currently in a depression greater than the one in the 1930's, yet the media has the gall to say it's going to be another recession. And the government isn't giving the economy a name yet.

There is no pandemic. Coronavirus is cover
for unprecedented money creation, a pretext
to bankrupt and destroy the West.

"Ten years from now, the West will be unrecognizable.
Not a shadow of its former self."

"Pure Magick. They're at the top of their game at the moment. This is a huge high point for them. It's about destroying American/Western hegemony. America is downgraded to 'just another Great Power' status. America and Europe will part ways. Sooner rather than later. This is actually a HUGE victory for Putin and Dugin, who are NOT the good guys."

NWO Magick: Faux Pandemic & Financial Collapse

by Anthony Migchels


Let nobody tell you the current financial meltdown is about 'the Corona virus'.

The Collapse began September 27th last year, when the repo market's interest-rate spiked to 10%. Banks have to balance their books every night, and they borrow from each other to do this. This interest-rate spike meant they stopped lending to each other. Like they did in 2008, when the Libor rates went to similar territory. They haven't lent to each other since. The Fed has been bailing them out every night. The virus is cover for another bank bailout.

Not 'just another bank bail out'. The whole thing is melting down. The Derivative Bubble. The Debt Bubble. Corona is what they created to distract everybody with. A to Z, make no mistake, I do not say this lightly.

And it had been ongoing since September.

And think about it: they published that novel in the eighties, about how a 'virus' 'from wuhan' was going to wreak havoc in '2020'.

These fucktards have known this would be the date for literally multi-score decades.


Meanwhile: there is no 'pandemic'. A handful of oldies are dying of what's looking like a nasty flu. Their average age of death is 81 in Italy. 79 in Holland. Their numbers are minute: in Holland we're talking about 40 deaths up till now. Still, the whole country is grinding to a standstill, not because of the 'virus' and 'sick people', but because of the insane overreaction by the Government.

Disclaimer: I'm just reporting on the observable facts. In the early days, I was fearing this was the Big New World Order's Depopulation Virus just as much as the next guy.

The Pandemic There are now a grand total of.............6500 deaths world wide. In six weeks time. Most of them in China.

At least, that's what we're told. We're also being told they don't have tests. It's called gaslighting.

(In Italy, 77% of fatalities are over 70)

In Italy, over a weeks time, a grand total of 1000 oldies (81 year average) have died. According to the Italian Government, by far most of these people were suffering from serious health issues already, including heart failure, high blood pressure, and all the tribulations old people are prone to. They say it is even impossible to say they actually died of the 'virus', only that they 'likely' had it.

There is no test for the 'corona virus'. What they are doing is quite superficial diagnoses of the respiratory system. What is happening is that anything that looks 'bad', is being labeled 'corona'. This is what you get in a mass psychosis.

Disclaimer: I'm just reporting on the observable facts. In the early days, I was fearing this was the Big New World Order's Depopulation Virus just as much as the next guy.

In Holland, there have been under 2000 cases, according to the RIVM, the Dutch CDC. Their reporting has been really quite succinct and to the point. And the facts really speak for themselves: - 1705 cases (diagnosed in the way described above) - 43 deaths - Average age of the deceased: 79 (81 life expectancy) - By far most suffering from serious additional health issues. - A grand total of 314 people have been admitted to ICU's. In the entire country. By far most are now back home.

Meanwhile: all restaurants, bars, coffee shops (where the Dutch go buy their weed), and food take outs are forced to close. All events have been cancelled. Self-employed people and small business have seen their work commitments for the coming months just wiped out. Airliners are grounded, and can't last even a few weeks without business. All gatherings of 100 people or more are outlawed.

Last night, Mark Rutte, the Dutch PM, held a televised 'speech to the People'. I felt forced to watch it, because the fear was quite real he would order a total lock down of the country. Including outlawing leaving the house, enforced by the Army.

Macron has announced such measures in France. While things are the same there as in Holland. We got lucky here, though. For now. They're promising/threatening 'additional measures', 'depending on developments', so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

San Francisco is getting closed down too. It would be nice to assume this is just your usual Californian Bolshevist Madness, but much of the US probably will follow suit, in the days ahead.

In Spain, which is touted as the 'biggest hotbed besides Italy', the State is using drones to order people around, just as in Wuhan. People there too are grounded. A few hundred old people have died. Spain has 47 million people who are not allowed to leave their dwellings.

And it's the same picture everywhere.

In New York State, the first 'corona death' was reported Saturday night: an 82 year old woman suffering from lung emphysema.

In Luxembourg, also Saturday, the first 'corona death' was a 94 year old.

Since January first, scores of thousands of 80 year old or thereabout folks have died of the flu, general malaise, whatever, in the EU. They do so every year during 'the season'. They don't end up in Intensive Care at all.


People are just completely bamboozled by scary graphs of 'exponential growth'. But if there is 'exponential growth', why are there 6500 deaths world wide after six weeks? Most of whom have died in China during the early days of the 'outbreak'?

Shouldn't we be hauling off thousands of body bags by now?

It's completely the Media doing it. Including the Alternative Media.

Conveniently, they're saying 'don't pay with cash, it's contagious'. Using a debit card machine that was just used by all sorts of drooling and coughing customers is apparently 'safe'.

Of course they'd use this in their war on cash. Just over the last few weeks, Dutch Banks suddenly Unisono closed their atm's between 23:00 and 7:00. Presumably to 'stop robberies'. A story only journalists and the women and children believe.

Why were people buying toilet paper? Not just in America, but in the UK, Holland, France, as well? Because all the State/Corporate Media are probably running the same CIA scripts. They always do, so assuming they do so now as well is hardly a very wild guess.

Just imagine how much fun they must have had, and all the poo jokes they have been making about all the Goy/peasants eating it all up.

The 'Alternative Media' (90% of which is of course just trolling Jews and the CIA) is plugging the scary stories about the NWO depopulation virus, and how about 'the Government is lying to us'. Half the population lends at least some credence to these propositions (as well they should), so this is professionally exploited by the wizards.

Honorary mention: Jon Rappoport has been one of the very few making any sense at all. He had it all figured from day one. Read his archive.

Meanwhile, in the real world Sunday, the Fed announced a panicky 100 point downgrade of interest rates to 0%.

They announced an emergency package of $700 Billion QE. Outright asset purchasing to 'help price levels' in 'the markets'.

This was after last week, when they had given out $1,5 Trillion in short term loans on the repo market. I'm very unsure how much of these short term loans are actually coming back. Could be 100%. But it would very much surprise me.

This move had 'stabilized' 'the markets' for about 5 minutes.

The $700 Billion mega asset purchasing package 'limited' the damage on the futures market to 'only' 1000 points. Monday, yesterday, the Dow lost 10%.

The S&P index last night ended 30% lower than 10 days ago.

Interestingly, Mitch Romney and Ilhan Omar have both been calling for $1000 hand outs to normal people. Of course, 'to help them bridge lost income due to 'corona".

But in reality, giving normal people cash hand outs has been under discussion for years in the regulatory scene: they know outright Bank bailouts are hated beyond measure, and giving the money to the people, while obviously not the preferred option, is just another way to keep reflating the System as long as they can.

When they are 'forced' to do this, it's as bad as it looks.

Central Banks have been talking about buying up 'distressed market assets' for years also. They have openly announced they would do 'whatever it takes', and the Fed too, last Sunday, promised 'more if needed'.

Nice, no? These scumbags buying everything up with freshly printed Euros and Greenbacks? To save the World, no less?

Next, they will consolidate everything in the State, and use that mega Capital as the foundation for their 'Communitarian' (Communism 2.0) World State.

Governments already own a huge chunk of 'the markets', through pension funds, as visible in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports they publish next to their 'official' numbers.


A magician does something with his left hand, as he signals his audience to look at his right hand.

They have been at it since late September. Remember that 'impeachment'? Everybody was just wondering: 'what's it all about?' Well, it was about distracting people from the financial implosion that had begun.

Soleimani? He got blown away on the day that..........the Federal Reserve reported they had already doled out $6 TRILLION short term loans on the repo market. They have been at it ever since, and it would be interesting to know what they have already given out. At this rate, they must be well in to 12, 15 Trillion territory, which is 2008 all over again, with the Fed doling out 16 TRILLION in loans to its Bankster buddies, $9 Trillion of which they admitted 'they cannot account for.'

2008 all over again? Well, this is only the beginning, 2008 was just a prelude, a walk in the park. It mostly served to make all major States and Central Banks use all their ammo. Rates are already at 0%. Government debt everywhere, including the US, is standing at 100% plus. They have very little they can do this time, other than printing, printing, printing.


While they're utterly annihilating the World economy, people are begging Big Brother to please ground them, and have the Army enforce a lock down, and do more to 'stop the virus'.

Resistance is forestalled, as people coming together is outlawed 'cuz corona'. In Austria it's actually illegal since Monday to meet with more than five at a time!

Make no mistake whatsoever: this is the New World Order's long awaited Big Push.

The US Empire is not the New World Order. America and the US Empire were created to conquer the World for them, and now that they have, they can go.

Ten years from now, the West will be unrecognizable. Not a shadow of its former self.

Agenda 2030 and its far-reaching social engineering goals, including the end of private land holdings, will be called for by the masses everywhere.

The Bank is planning to foreclose on the entire West in the decade ahead.

The issue that has swept through the ages, that of the People vs. the Banks, will have to be faced now.

We are facing HUGE depression. The Mother Of All Depressions.

I'm unsure about what's next, especially the timing, but look for some sort of Gold based 'reset'. We're going to see years of massive depression, deleveraging, deflation, and insane pain.

The US Empire will be dismantled, and they will retain only some assets, mostly in the pacific, but Europe will come under Russian influence.

There will be major upheavals, no doubt about it, including white flight, as life in the West will become very difficult, both because of the economic disaster, and because of insane State overreach.

Yes, the virus is just a total nothing burger aimed at nothing to keep the masses spellbound, begging for the State's authoritarian measures to 'stop the virus', while the whole economy is being annihilated.

And it's beyond scary how effective they are.

What Communist Laws Will Be Passed After Corona Virus?

What Communist Laws Will Be Passed After Corona Virus?

Listen to this 5 minute audio. Click Here

Could There Be A Cure For Corona Virus?

Ohio unemployment rose 600%

Ohio unemployment rose 600%

The Mother of All Depressions

Let nobody tell you the current financial meltdown is about 'the Corona virus'.

The Collapse began September 27th last year, when the repo market's interest-rate spiked to 10%. Banks have to balance their books every night, and they borrow from each other to do this. This interest-rate spike meant they stopped lending to each other. Like they did in 2008, when the Libor rates went to similar territory. They haven't lent to each other since. The Fed has been bailing them out every night. The virus is cover for another bank bailout. Click the headline for the full article.

Face Check Search

Face Check Search

Do you think that these pictures look alike?

The picture on top is on some ad for some kind of game (look at the girl on the right). The picture at the bottom is the girl who was killed by Corona Virus. In fact, looking closer, they look like computer generated pictures. Now, I'm no expert in this but with today's technology they can make them look real.



The So-called Coronavirus Test Right From The Horse's Mouth

The So-called Coronavirus Test Right From The Horse's Mouth

by Jon Rappoport

Here's what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus
Straight from the horse's mouth---both sides

As my readers know, I've described why the widespread diagnostic test for the coronavirus is insufficient, misleading, useless, and deceptive.

That test, used all over the world where it is available, is called the PCR.

It DIAGNOSES patients.  "Yes, you have the virus."  "No you don't."

A very alert reader sent me a link to a US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) document about the test.  The CDC establishes the guidelines for how the test should be done, and what the results mean.

Here is a CDC paragraph about results.  I suggest you read it several times.

"Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities."

I'm going to blow past the blatant contradiction in that CDC paragraph and cut to the chase.

The key line in that paragraph is: "The agent detected [the coronavirus] may not be the definite cause of disease."


CDC: Yeah, you see, folks, ahem, the test could say the coronavirus is there in somebody's body, but the virus may not be causing disease...

On one level, the CDC is admitting the test could turn up false positives: the test could SAY a patient has the coronavirus, but he really doesn't.

This isn't a footnote stuck at the bottom of a report.  It's right there near the top of the section about the meaning of the test.


Well, yes, I've pointed out that the test has an inherent problem.  At best, it might show that a virus is present in the patient's body.  But the test is incapable of determining HOW MUCH virus is ACTIVELY REPLICATING in the patient's body.

And why is that important?  Because, to even begin to say a virus is causing actual illness in a human, there would have to be millions and millions of a virus replicating in his body---and the PCR test has never been proven, in the real world, to be able to make such a judgment call accurately.

But, if you read that CDC quote again, you'll see the CDC is ordering labs to report a positive test result to public health agencies---where it will be counted as a "coronavirus case" come hell or high water.

Thank you, CDC.  So very, very much.  The next ship for Uranus leaves tomorrow.  Pile on board and make the trip.  You can run tests there to your heart's content. For the link, Click Here. IF it's not there anymore, you'll know the reason why.

The Poisoned Needle

The Poisoned Needle

Before you get another vaccination - even from the Corona Virus - you should read this book by Eleanor McBean.

Here are some of the things you'll learn:


Get your 200 page PDF book Today!

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Facts About Contagious Diseases

Facts About Contagious Diseases

With all the Coronavirus news about keeping 2 metres apart, wearing masks and rubber gloves, is this virus contagious? We've seen doctors and nurses in hazmat suits and cleaners wipng down all surfaces, is there really a danger of catching Coronavirus or any other virus?

All our information comes from where? The media, the medical profession and government. Do we trust them in other areas? Have they been known to lie? You bet they have! So, why believe them now? We do some, and I only say some Christian Patriots believe them when they know the past lies they made?

With this in mind, here is some information about past “contagious disease,” and you make a decision. First, we must look at other diseases in the past that we are told are contagious and still are today.

"Highly infectious"

"AIDS and SARS are ways for epidemiologists (e.g., the CDC, WHO, etc.) to secure their jobs and continued funding for their agencies. No new emerging epidemics, maybe no CDC, no WHO, so we've got an infrastructure that REQUIRES the "discovery" of new, threatening epidemics. And the media pick a new one every year. This year, it's SARS. For the past couple of years, it's been West Nile Virus. Next year it'll be something else."---- Dr Dan Duffy DC

"The Centers for Disease Control has had three major programs through which it can make diseases appear infectious and make everyone step in line to agree."-----Bryan Ellison Interview

Media hype:

[2002] "But smallpox was, or is, a terrible, virulent disease. It kills one out of every three of its victims. There is no cure."--CBS Media

Generally accepted facts about smallpox by Sherri Tenpenny DC

"Smallpox is considered one of the most virulent of contagious diseases, and it is generally believed that persons exposed are almost invariably attacked, unless protected by vaccination. This is one of the most stupendous exaggerations to be found in medical literature. My experience has been that very few people take it when exposed to it."--John Tilden MD


"Dr Campbell discovered smallpox was caused by the bite of a bedbug..and the degree of severity of the disease was directly proportional to the cachexia (general ill health and malnutrition) of the patient...He spoke of "scorbutic cachexia" relating it to scurvy, "the disease caused by lack of green food" and said "the removal of this perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to prevent the pitting or pocking of smallpox." (Immunization p54. Bacteria Inc by Cash Asher 1949)------Walene James: http://www.whale.to/v/asher3.html

"This child, although living in the same room with the patients at the Pest House, had not acquired the smallpox, after being exposed to it all of the time for a period of six weeks; yet upon the fifth day after returning home, this child acquired the initial fever. I then examined their house and found it to be literally alive with bedbugs."---CHARLES A. R. CAMPBELL, M. D.

"Assuming that bedbugs are the only diffusing agents of this loathsome disease, then our present knowledge of its being "air-borne," or of its being transmitted by fomites, must be all wrong, therefore the principal work here mentioned is the demonstration of its non-contagiousness by means of clothing, bedding, hangings --in short, fomites........Anita H., a Mexican child, four years of age, never vaccinated and who had never had the disease, was taken to the pest house, where she took a baby out of the crib and played with it about four hours, hugging and kissing it and riding it in a perambulator around the grounds; but, although this baby was covered with pustules of smallpox, and although we took no precautions whatever (the girl's mother having agreed to this experiment), the girl did not acquire the disease. P. H., a Mexican, vaccinated in infancy, who freely mingled with the smallpox patients in the discharge of his duties as night watchman at the pest house, keeping up the fires and remaining all night, did not contract the disease. A. C., decidedly strumous, never vaccinated nor had the smallpox, freely mingled with smallpox patients in all of the stages, playing cards with them, eating and sleeping in the infected tents, and has continued to do so for more than two years."---CHARLES A. R. CAMPBELL, M. D.

"As a matter of fact, perhaps it is safe to say that not more than 10 per cent of the people ever would take smallpox if sleeping in the same bed with an infected smallpox victim."--Dr Hay http://www.whale.to/vaccines/hay.html

"Smallpox is about as contagious as stumbling over a rock. Dr. Herbert M. Shelton slept in the same bed with his brother while the latter was in the so-called infectious stage with vesicles all over. Yet Dr. Shelton did not develop smallpox."---Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano

An Obstinate Baby---At a public meeting held in the Town Hall, Derby, March 2, 1871, a working man caused much amusement by asking Dr Greaves how it was that when four out five of his children were down with smallpox, the fifth, unvaccinated, would not take the disease, although placed between two of the others in bed.

"During the Brighton smallpox outbreak (1950-51), the usual BBC encephalitis campaign opened with an anonymous doctor assuring the world, with authoritative emphasis, that "smallpox is the most infectious disease known to Man"! The BBC had evidently never heard of influenza. During the smallpox outbreak of 1961-2, on the other hand, we heard medical officers of health saying on the radio such things as, "After all, smallpox is not such a very infectious disease." This would have been held to be pure blasphemy only a few years ago. May the good work go on!"--Lionel Dole http://www.whale.to/v/dole.html

"For years Dr. Matthew J. Rodermund, MD of Wisconsin, USA, offered $10,000 to anyone who could prove scientifically that smallpox is contagious. Nobody ever claimed the money. Dr Charles A.A. Campbell, MD of San Antonio, USA, who was for years in charge of an isolation hospital made exhaustive experiments in order to demonstrate that smallpox is contagious, but found that this is not the case."--Keki Sidhwa ND http://www.whale.to/vaccines/smallpox8.html

"Dr. Bridges, in his Report, observes that "of 796 visitors who paid 1118 visits, only 3 were afterwards admitted into the hospital with small-pox." Mr. Sweeting, of the Fulham Hospital, writes :—" 33 patients were visited by 48 persons, who made altogether 76 visits; only one of the visitors was afterwards admitted with small-pox." ...Dr. Bernard, of the Stockwell Hospital, writes :—" 1056 visits were paid into the wards of the hospital. It is interesting to be able to say that, as far as I have heard, no one caught small-pox thereby;"---The Fable of the Smallpox Nurses and Revaccination http://www.whale.to/vaccine/nurses.html

"Dr Rodermund, a physician in the state of Wisconscin, created a sensation by smearing his body with the exudate of smallpox sores in order to demonstrate to his medical colleagues that a healthy body could not be infected with the disease. He was arrested and quaratined in jail, but not before he had come into contact with many people. Not a single case of smallpox developed through this "exposure"....I have ...handled intimately thousands of cases of contagious diseases, and I do not remember a single instance where any of us was the least affected by such contact."---Henry Lindlahr MD (Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics p 39). http://www.whale.to/vaccine/lindlahr.html

"Dr Campbell discovered smallpox was caused by the bite of a bedbug..and the degree of severity of the disease was directly proportional to the cachexia (general ill health and malnutrition) of the patient...He spoke of "scorbutic cachexia" relating it to scurvy, "the disease caused by lack of green food" and said "the removal of this perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to prevent the pitting or pocking of smallpox." (Immunization p54. Bacteria Inc by Cash Asher 1949)------Walene James: http://www.whale.to/v/asher3.html


"It became clear, also, what's happening in the field of hepatitis. They are not dealing with a virus. Of course, there's a possibility to enrich certain kinds of proteins in blood products, which then cause severe autoimmune reactions, but only in very stressed-out people, never in non-stressed people. When they learned to take out these proteins from the blood products, or dilute them, there are not hepatic problems anymore.....there's no such thing as infectious hepatitis (and no hepatitis viruses)."--Dr Lanka

BSE/AIDS/Hepatitis C: Infectious or Intoxication Diseases?

"If you read the literature very carefully, you will find that, while there is a strong marker for the disease, there is no hard scientific evidence to support the existence of a hepatitis C virus. Clearly, a non-A, non-B hepatitis disease exists, but the science behind an associated virus is weak at best. As a scientist I am compelled to ask, how can we vaccinate people against a disease-causing agent that has not been fully characterized?"---Dr Urnovitz

Hepatitis C Reconsidered by Regush
Vapor Virus by N Regush



"The vaccination programs are irrelevant to the decline of polio, while pesticides correlate perfectly with polio. The unfunded, ostracized theory of poison causality far exceeds all other theories in simplicity, exactitude, and directness regarding correlations within all data areas: dosage, physiology, etiology, epidemiology, economics, and politics."--Jim West

"That the polio virus is the sole cause of polio is accepted by most people as gospel, and that the Salk and Sabin vaccines eradicated polio in the western world is etched into our collective consciousness as the major medical miracle of our time. But the history of polio and its vaccines is shrouded in a murky mist of politico/scientific manipulation, altered statistics, redefinition and reclassification of the disease, increased cases of vaccine induced paralytic polio, and monkey viruses transmitted by contaminated vaccines to millions of people worldwide."---Edda West

"Provocation polio. That is the truth about those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a well considered personal opinion that polio is a man made disease."—Viera Scheibner.

"I'M APPALLED by the unfounded assumptions of 'experts' about the hyper-infectious nature of the BSE/CJD agent (Mail). Basic evidence suggests variant CJD didn't arise from eating BSE-affected cattle."--Mark Purdey 2002

"The levels of manganese are naturally low in the soils of the Quinaborough area but the point is that the surrounding farmers are spraying on a potent manganese fertiliser several times a year. There is also widespread application of sewage sludge around all the villages that have a variant CJD problem. Manganese is also at a high level in sewage and it becomes air borne during spreading operations. Villages will therefore be breathing in these various manganese substances and taking it straight into their brains via the nasal/olfactory route."--Mark Purdey

"Science has made a monumental blunder. Mad cow disease— bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE—is not an infection spread by a pathogen, that is, a virus or a bacteria. It is a naturally occurring degenerative disease—a disease of old age— that is accelerated by toxic poisoning."----Dr Anthony and Benjamin Parish


"AIDS (is) not infectious--but caused by recreational and anti-HIV drugs."---Peter H. Duesberg, Ph.D. is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. http://WWW.DUESBERG.COM/

"Prior to October of 1997, I believed that HIV was the cause of AIDS based solely on the information that had been reported by the United States Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and the AIDS establishment. However, my view was unquestionably changed when I evaluated the medical evidence on the worldwide AIDS epidemic. My findings clearly show: 1) The HIV-hypothesis is not supported by any medical fact and AIDS is caused by agents and factors other than HIV. 2) The proponents of the HIV-hypothesis have long overlooked crucial and essential medical evidence that clearly describes the real causes of AIDS. 3) The results of clinical studies on AZT, protease inhibitors, and nevirapine indicate that these agents can cause severe systemic damage, AIDS, and death."----Mohammed A. Al-Bayati

Animal Foot and mouth disease (FMD):

"This calls to mind a personal interview I conducted with A. Kalokerinos, Chief Medical Officer at the Aboriginal Health Clinic in Redfern (Sydney), Australia. He related an experience wherein cattle feeding on grass grown on re-mineralized soil, were grazing literally nose to nose--at the fence line--with another herd infected with hoof and mouth disease. Without the benefit of any specific protective measures including vaccines, the uninfected herd manifested total immunity."----Raymond Obomsawin