Friday 13 March 2020

Mike Adams; How to deal with pandemic deniers

Mike Adams; How to deal with pandemic deniers

  First, I would like to make a comment to those who think why I'm spending so much time in correcting Mike Adams' errors. Why don't I just ignore him? Good question.

The reason why I write about Mike Adams is very important. Since he is not just another Leftist where you would not give the time of day, Adams is someone who does have a huge following of Patriots because he talks against the NWO. So these people might be taken in on what he says about the Coronavirus, too.

It's also good to know what your critic says so you can answer back intelligently. This is important. So, when I hear that we should not comment on what critics say, I say that it's all the more reason to do so. The exception would be if the person was a real nutter.

Click Here for the audio.

If you didn't listen to the audio, that's fine – I'll give a summary here.

Mike Adam has a 10 minute talk (the rest is his ad) on how to answer deniers of the Coronavirus. Well, I'm here to say how to answer believers of the CV. He talks about exponential grow of the virus but he uses an example of bacteria growing in a Petri dish. He talks about how bacteria can fill a Petri dish in one minute but most of the growth (spreading) comes in the last 2 minutes of a 60 minute experiment. Fine, we can understand this.

However Adams comes to the wrong conclusion, and so could be anyone you meet that believes in all this Coronavirus cr*p. He then talks about “deniers” have only three options. They are:

He says that the only way to stop CV is to shut down all transportation, travel, and public events; to self-quarantine.

“So, how do you stop this? We don't have any anti-CV vaccines, and if we did, they probably won't work.” Well, the fact is, that it's guaranteed they won't work. Mike has been a big advocate of anti-vaccines, and now he says, “...might not work.”

Adams does admit that you can probably beat this with natural supplements, with antiviral herbs. He says that most people don't know about this – which I agree. So, he continues that it will spread like crazy.

Mike says a good question to ask deniers is, “How does a virus stop?” He says there are only three ways to have this stop:

1 is to have anti-viral (natural medicine or drugs); that everyone is taking them.

2 another way is extreme social isolation; no work, no grocery shopping, total isolation

3 or that it burns through the whole population and kills a percentage of the population; then, whoever is left surviving is immune.

Adams concludes that this is the only three ways that it stops. “Ask your friend these questions and if they don't give you one of these three answers, then they are really not informed about the topic.”

They will probably say, the government will do something. Then he says ask how the government will solve it and they probably say they don't know. He says that it comes to the deniers saying they hope it stops. I agree with what deniers will say, but the believers in the Coronavirus say the same thing. Look at all the believers of the Bird Flue, West Nile Flu, etc., they stopped, too and if asked why they say they don't know, it just did.

Adams say that the deniers will just say that they hope it stops. But hope does not stop a virus.

He goes on to give some examples in history, such as the Spanish Flu - hope did not stop that. However, what Adams fails to mention is that it DID STOP. But neither he nor anyone else knows why – they just are glad that it did.

There are other causes throughout history of plagues just stop, such as the Black Plague in the Middle-Ages. Well, I'll tell you how it stops later. First I want to comment on Adams saying the people have just three choices.

Now, this is a tactic to control the conversation. The fact is they should have another choices that he picks! But you can't give another choice if you are ignorant of it.

Now, back to the main point – how does pandemics/epidemics stop? How did the Spanish Flu stop?

To find out lets take a look at the common cold. When a person gets sick, he has mucus, he coughs, etc. The bacteria multiplies; it grows exponentially. But, one day the person wakes up and he feels better. How is that? If bacteria of whatever kind that brings a person who is well makes him come down with a cold, how is it that a weaker person, a person that has more of this bacteria in him not continue to make him sicker and sicker until he is totally consumed and die? Why doesn't this happen.

Most people have never thought of this, they are just glad that they got well. But think about it, IF what we are told by doctors is true, then no one would get well once they get sick. This should tell you that their hypothesis is wrong, yet we all believe this.

In other words, what should be ask (to those who believe the Coronavirus is true or not), people can't figure out how a well person gets sick and how a sick person gets well when the “bad” bacteria count is so high. They, including Adams, just ignore it and go on their merry way.

Now, you can apply this to CV. Adams, and others think, that if the virus is not contained, million will die and the rest will survive; they somehow build up an immunity to it. Well, why would the rest survive if there are millions of deaths? With CV “on a roll,” it should be that much easier for the rest of us to get it. Why didn't the infected build up an immunity? How can those that survive build up an immunity to it if it was the first time being exposed? How can a person even build up an immunity when never exposed to it? The fact is, this is not how bacteria breeds. When I studied Natural Hygiene back in the 1980's, we were told this.

As a side note, the highest selling diet book of all time in America, at the time of publication, was a book by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond called, Fit For Life. They also took the came college course I did; this is where they got the information for their book. If you get a chance to read it, please do so. Continuing...

Let's take an analogy of flies and a bin. If you substitute bacteria for flies and the body for a bin (garbage can), you'll understand. Does a bin itself attack flies or is it the condition of the bin? It's the condition of the bin. If you have a bin that is filled up with kitchen waste, you'll attract flies. More flies come, more flies breed and the number gets higher. But, in time, when all the rotten food is consumed, the flies disappear. In this case, they fly off somewhere else.

If you bin is kept clean (your body) you will not have flies (get sick in the first place). Bacteria ONLY spreads when the food for them is present (mucus and other waste products). Once this happens, the bacteria dies off and there is only a residual amount left.

With any epidemic/pandemic the bacteria dies off. Those that are health (do not have enough waste in the body); they do not get sick in the first place. With the Spanish Flu, when millions died, why didn't it just continue? Apparently, Adams believes the same lies as the doctors do, in this case, in that it spreads. If that is the case, theoretically, it should have continued but it didn't. We should thank God that He created the kinds of bacteria He did, otherwise we would be killed with the first multiplication of bacteria. We get sick because of violation of certain fundamental laws of nature. Sickness is really a healing crises. Once all the waste cells and excretions they created is eliminated, the bacteria dies off and this waste is excreted, too.

There is more that I can write about concerning the CV but I will have to save that for another article, specifically about what viruses really are is not what we are told.

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